Marry him!
Marry him!
The first scandal like this was over Kathy Lee Gifford’s clothing line. It was a huge new story for a long time.
The first big celebrity to be called out for sweatshops was Kathy Lee Gifford with her clothing line.
I don’t know how people walk around with those things.
They can’t even go to the bathroom standing up.
“Please look at my boobs!”
That broke my heart into a million pieces.
This will ensure any woman who considers reporting a sexual assault remains in her terrified silence for all eternity.
Twenty million dollars a year to chat for an hour a day?
Is there any such thing as negative chemistry? Because these two had less than zero.
People shouldn’t be able to claim that they are “pro-life” if they are pro-gun.
If you don’t think waiting periods are a big fucking deal, watch this and try not to cry.
What is the waiting period to buy a gun in Louisiana?
Dust of angels, nits.
Matt Lauer“declined to get involved” in the matter and refused to pick sides.
You’ve got that right. All gun studies have to be privately funded. Wouldn’t want Americans to find out how that gun-free homes are so much safer than homes with guns “for protection”.
Not to mention Bieber!
We do, but it has become antiquated. You’re more likely to find it in the society pages and death notices.