True, but the impact were larger since FF VII fanbase was huge all over the world while most DQ sales numbers are coming from Japan.
True, but the impact were larger since FF VII fanbase was huge all over the world while most DQ sales numbers are coming from Japan.
I wasn’t talking about the Remake one there
Zunnoab speak my mind there
Still not beat PS4's Final Fantasy VII announcement level of disappointment, tho
Nostalgic item of video game history.
Intercourse hand signal.
Sony will print money faster than Konami’s pachislot.
After some afterthought , I guess episodic route is the only way to make FF VII start from Before Crisis through Dirge Of Cerberus. Whatever, Square Enix.
So butt slapping is considered uncomfortable and her costume is not ? Weird standard if you ask me.
Yeah, even goes into comatose at some point. The dude was wasted guy. Too bad Zack dies ; he could make him the real SOLDIER.
He said he was SOLDIER. We’re all know that he lied.
They’ve made Mr. Wallace less Ebonics. Idk if that’s the good thing urnote ...
Because they bought GaiKai.
I can’t find any news related to Inesz or other original models of Resident Evil for PS1.
You can’t beat the feeling when you unlocking something in video game (unlike those “achievement” ; I feel that it’s okay to pass it up). IMO.
It’s a trick !
Can’t wait to see Matt Damon adding insult to injury
I wonder if you know anything about that “green long sleeves guy” that quite often standing in the ringside crowd area. He’s almost there in many PPV events.
Bulma’s biggest threat is Ronda Rousey
It’s not her fault that she’s so tough to beat.