
Lookin' fugly if you ask me

Okay close the contest we have the winner !

Love it ! Let's make gaming scene even more fun in this 2015.

You better listen to PewDiePie , Nintendo ! You don't wanna mess with important gaming celebs like him. Understand ?? /screaming

Imo, best spirites goes to 3DO version

Then I guess we have to wait again for the more info of it. It looks the same in theme.

Ah okay. Thanks for the heads up.

So is this the official title for that "Deep Down" game then ?

But Stone Cold ain't giant and McMahon "loves" the man. Us too ! In fact, he and The Rock along with The Undertaker are irreplaceable in WWE scene. Imo. I wish someday we can get Attitude era again. Not toned down, watered down PG-13 era like now. I want bra and panty match again, dammit ! If anyone agrees gimme a

Could be different if the eroge has guns in it. Or violence. But I guess it's policy of publisher so fans of eroge at Steam must understand.

I remember reading Hironobu Sakaguchi's interview on GameFan, and on Cid subject he said "Cid is like Yoda ; very intelligent and very wise".

John McClane in "Die Hard : Die Harder" agreed.

Well there's a reason why I keep my white, dusty, soft-modded Wii under TV cabinet. To avoid getting screwed. Wii was built like a brick so I don't have any worries.

She's pretty I'd do the same lol Congrats, both of you ~

Just like that "Knights of Sydonia" anime

Too late for that, Sephiros ! (lol yes it should be Sephiroth i know)

Now if only he can fight Siba ...

I just can't wait to see Square Enix charge the reader for $ 49.99 a whole or $ 4.99 per chapter

I'm more thinking on Street Fighter III looks. Anime-looks is not quite right, imo. Sprited-looks is not necessarily "anime looks".

Hey Capcom ! This is how I expected Street Fighter V graphics in the first place ~