Looks like a goddamn nightmare to properly balance the spring resistance.
Looks like a goddamn nightmare to properly balance the spring resistance.
Put it into neutral , rev it to 4k and slam it into drive. I call it scientific testing.
I would think by now that a suspension firm and a brake firm could come up with a system that would route the brake fluid through a device that could stiffen the front suspension based on braking force. Could be mechanical but it would two more fittings for the brake line.
Gotta get at them resource rice asteroids. And make some mint.
Because we all know that the world is a Marco version of your Micro existence.
Low beams become high beams = a big fucking problem.
If you have to ask why someone spent 10 large to restore a Gen 1 CRX, well then baby, you probably won’t understand their answer.
No sonic is worth that. The sonic is just another chevette, cavilier, cobalt,geo, etc. A p!sspoor attempt at building a car that GM didn’t understand to begin with.
Garage 54 is Russian for meth.
So what do they call meth in Russia?
The first failure is often the precursor to the next failure. Ditch that frame.
especially when you roll up on the cockroach swarm....
So, fully autonomous survey bots collecting point cloud data.
Devil take press fit...take it and damn it to Hell.
..or make your own Headset cup press with a length of 1/2" threaded shaft with big nuts (heh heh) and a stack of increasing size washers at each end. It will give you the parallel press that a $200 headset press will do and a fraction of the cost. Plus you built is yourself.
Or a Cane Creek EC30. There is always a way.
No Half-Life...this list is shit.
#$% cantilever brakes...been there, done that.
Pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude.