
Unless you can afford first class, just don’t fly. Period. There really is no good reason to be anywhere that bad. If you need to be there that bad, then you can afford first class.

Societal evolution.   

Wedges for the people!

Who gives a shit about maintaining a “replacement” birthrate?

The tele-presence industry is being suppressed by BIG AIRLINE. Look into it.

I cannot accept a religious mythos in which humans are in any way chosen or special. A true god would have no time for us silly, hairless apes with our petty desires and wants.

Both his statue and Tucker have really fat necks....


You have to neuter or spay your hogs.

Dry them out and burn them like the British used to do with Egyptian cat mummies. Use the heat to warm orphanages.   WIN-WIN

So this...with twice the doors...

Actually, Neil needs to increase both his volume and bandwidth. A lot of ignorant fuckers out there stewing in their own ignorance. 

The hamburgler!

The old ways are sometimes the best ways.....

Sounds like the kind of legislation enacted by the local car shop owners. Just like the mortuary owners had laws passed making it illegal to burn your own dead in the back yard. Next thing you know, you won’t be allowed to worship your pagan gods in the home but will rather have to go to an established house of

If we can’t celebrate the gross waste of national resources on never-ending wars to profit the military-industrial complex with a massive tank and armored vehicle parade..well...then the terrorists have won.

Mike Pence looks like Captain Murphy.

Carson looks like a man who is constipated but doesn’t know that he is constipated.

We are, collectively, stupid as sh!t.

Reverse Polish Notation will end all this trivial bickering.