
Very cheap compared to a tomahawk ...but that is you exclude the cost of establishing air-superiority over the target and the delivery vehicle.

German made car...English made bricks....

Green and Gold.....

He is proud that he has done well with debt. It has been Yugely profitable for him. Tremendously profitable.....

Hey now.... not sure if we are ready to put that young pup in the same pack as the big dogs just yet.

Is there even plausible win scenario  in a USA/Russia Nuclear exchange or is the only possible outcome for both sides an Earth denial outcome?

Like a Dodge Rampage on steroids and ugly juice........

If you can’t afford the hanger, then you can’t afford the plane.

A lot of answers for your sidewalk and general disability access questions ca be answered right here:

Ain’t no one showing the cats...the cats be showing themselves...cause...FU

Not very bright...but very, very Ravenous.....

Also, to be pedantic, it’s not halves but rather thirds. As in the 3 grand divisions ( West, Middle and East Tennessee) as represented by the 3 stars in the state flag.

In addition to the fact that Memphis had lost out on the expansion team selection like 7 years before..so there were a lot of feelings involved.

All Internet Lists are shit. This one is no exception.

Ursa kidding me?

“If Carl Sagan is so smart, why is he dead?” ...Trump

I have been denied. I was rushing across the terminal to make a connection and just got in line at the gate. They made me go to the end of the line because I was group II and they were only boarding group I.

For the love of Shub-Niggurath!

I call bullshit. Not one use of the word “bigly”.