
Even before the election, Mikey has been fucking up traffic. You should see what his entourage does when he goes to a local state park where there a vacation residence for the governor.

Trump is no more that a man-child buffoon. Pence, the homophobic Evangelical, is the phucker that everyone needs to be scared of.

Plus it’s fake...like wrestling.

This is peak Torchinsky!

Up and to the left.........

I read all Trump quotes in Christopher Walken’s voice.

1. Chevy Monza

Only $593.93 US a pound. A lot of professional cyclist would love to get that rate for weight reduction.

With all the possibilities that can be had with VW engines...why the fuck rotary?

The difference is about 1.5 psi........

Is Lochte is even smart enough to know if he had been held up? I mean he probably doesn’t speak any Portuguese, so really, anything could have happened.

If you have to come to a complete stop to merge you are F%$KING doing it wrong.

It’s just that the smartish gun owners are not in the news often because they aren’t involved in bullshit stupid ass shooting.

It’s all about it.....

Dumbass dealer...doesn’t he know that ISIS is all about used contractor trucks....?

Talladega Nights is a film in which the main characters are auto racers

Well i hate the shit out of asparagus...but you don’t see me posting my opinions over at Asparagusnik now do you?