
Further proof of the mind numbing boredom that is Baseball.

Stupid %$#@%ing GM. This was your future.

The trick is to have multiple jute rope or cardboard scratching post available to the little beasts. We have 5 cats and probably 7 or 8 scratching post/pads scattered around the house.

Hey..at least the lights work...so there’s that.

What a cunt.

The Germans believe in THE RULES. Do not BREAK the RULES while in Germany, whether you are a Gumballer or a 6 year old at a public pool.

Ring Ring Ring...Banana Girl.....

Tennessee’s inspection sites are run by the state so they really aren’t in the business of putting you over the barrel to pay for bullshit repairs with the inspection sticker as leverage. They seemed to work well with an about 10 minute long process to check emissions, brakes, brake and headlights. It is a drive

A Fiero re bodied as a Ferrari...say no more..CRACK PIPE

In former Soviet Union, Life Saving Equipment kills YOU.

Because DOGS love TRUCKS. That’s why.

Reminds me of the time someone asked Eric Clapton what it was like to be the best guitarist in the world.

Going to 6 Flags parks on heavy Hallucinogenics was one of my favorite things to do in college.

“The report also said there was low visibility and the pilot was flying low”

A lot of ideas out there...

The fact that this is being sold on Craig’s List is a massive red flag to me..

I’d say not near enough.

Sand, gasoline, a bucket and a match......