New ones are less than $8,000 so not sure how NP this is.
In America..they supersize things......
Maybe our friends tot he south can install a human foot sized dead pedal......
Did they move the gas tank?
Did the helicopter feel the pea?
“American Ninja Warrior, a sort of modern and souped-up version of American Gladiators,”
As long as it is fappable..then there is a happy ending......
needs moar stance
That dolphin didn’t do shit. I hope that they didn’t pay it upfront.
My favorite approach to Chicago was to on a overcast morning and all that was visible above the cloud cover as we banked to land at O’Hara were the tops of John Hancock and Sears Towers.
Talk about mud girl’s got em’
“Fishbed” is a pretty decent two-syllable word starting with the letter “F”. The poor Mig-15 really got the worst of the lot.
That’s the good side of Interception. You don’t have too far to fly so no need to carry drop tanks or be conservative with the load out weight.
It is amazing how the RNC / GOP can, without fail, shit the bed when it comes to establishing any semblance of a viable candidate.