
Exactly. I can see the everlovin’ bowtie on the steering wheel in the commercial. So if I can see it, these brain deads sure as sh!t should be able to see it. It’s like these people have never heard of Chevy and are too clues to see the logo and branding on the steering wheel or das.

I understood that the F-16 and F-15 were design to be better dogfighters to address short comings in the missile-dependant Phantom that were identified in combat in Vietnam.

Witness me!

If you make a statement...expect others to do the same.

Trucks like this seperate the idiots from the rich idiots.

It was Henri...he felt nothing.

“..G4 Wi-Fi in the car is the dream ..right?”

I don’t think that all the SAAB’s are ugly.

Oh what a day!

It was a joke on the previous cock suckery levied on us by Ole George. If you need to, replace George Lucas with who ever will benefit from the next asinine re-re-release of the original 6 films.

I jalopnk meme’d you inside joke

Pretty sure it was a Lambo dude.....

Baby , if you are buying that much mulch by the bag, well you are dumber than I thought. Buy that shit in bulk, load it on a trailer and tow it home with your gas-pissing-away SUV.

Those of us older than 25 . We have CD collections that they ripped to WMAs. It’s also nice to be able to listen to music without being dependent on internet connectivity.

1/8” is not that old of a standard. Regardless, Bluetooth connectivity pretty much has superseded the stereo 1/8” plug standard.

Good point, but 32 G of USB stick storage is a lot cheaper than 32g of Phone storage. AUXI In’s are really pointless in these days of Bluetooth connectivity where as a USB port lets me access all my music with out streaming or having to mess around with my phone.

A USB memory stick port is better than an AUX IN

A lot of people were betting that F4 Phantoms would whup the sh!t out of Mig 19 ‘s with missiles.