I understood that the F-16 and F-15 were design to be better dogfighters to address short comings in the missile-dependant Phantom that were identified in combat in Vietnam.
I understood that the F-16 and F-15 were design to be better dogfighters to address short comings in the missile-dependant Phantom that were identified in combat in Vietnam.
Witness me!
If you make a statement...expect others to do the same.
Trucks like this seperate the idiots from the rich idiots.
It was Henri...he felt nothing.
“..G4 Wi-Fi in the car is the dream ..right?”
Oh what a day!
It was a joke on the previous cock suckery levied on us by Ole George. If you need to, replace George Lucas with who ever will benefit from the next asinine re-re-release of the original 6 films.
I jalopnk meme’d you inside joke
Pretty sure it was a Lambo dude.....
Baby , if you are buying that much mulch by the bag, well you are dumber than I thought. Buy that shit in bulk, load it on a trailer and tow it home with your gas-pissing-away SUV.
Those of us older than 25 . We have CD collections that they ripped to WMAs. It’s also nice to be able to listen to music without being dependent on internet connectivity.
1/8” is not that old of a standard. Regardless, Bluetooth connectivity pretty much has superseded the stereo 1/8” plug standard.
Good point, but 32 G of USB stick storage is a lot cheaper than 32g of Phone storage. AUXI In’s are really pointless in these days of Bluetooth connectivity where as a USB port lets me access all my music with out streaming or having to mess around with my phone.
A USB memory stick port is better than an AUX IN
A lot of people were betting that F4 Phantoms would whup the sh!t out of Mig 19 ‘s with missiles.
Sure are a lot of commercials on something that they want me to pay for.....