
I don’t see it ever being worth more than it costs new. It is not a particularly great body design. Sure it has power and performance, but meh, it looks like a 4th grader’s idea of what a modern Camaro should look like.

Every roadway engineer that has manually calculated transition spiral curves is having a good laugh right now.....

For that extra push off the cliff.....

Hard to tell... the lake water is preventing the combustion..


Well, no shit. What have we got here, a fucking comedian? I admire your honesty. Hell, I like you. You can come over to my house and f#ck my sister.

Luck Fobbists

Move the Singularity clock one more minute closer to midnight.

That 1% must have been a bitch......

Thermodynamics 101 is a severe form of molestation.....

Well, it’s not like they could do worse......

Why no fire? You sure it was Ferrari?

You're gonna need a bigger truck....

Uh dude..pretty sure that is ..uh.. white...

Do they have...'stance'd donks?


If it don't make it faster...take it off.....

Dude..pretty sure that's a Lambo.....

Came here to post that.

Going around a blind corner and not being prepared for the unknown is not an imaginary situation, it is called being a responsible motor vehicle operator.