Going around a blind corner and not being prepared for the unknown is not an imaginary situation, it is called being a responsible motor vehicle operator.
Going around a blind corner and not being prepared for the unknown is not an imaginary situation, it is called being a responsible motor vehicle operator.
Doesn't look like a bitch....
The riders are the asshats. Sure, we can lay blame on the driver of the sedan, but it is a blind corner. If it turned out that there was, instead of the car, a large dog or a 3 year child wandering into the street, the riders would be 100% at fault if they hit the dog or child.
It's your one-way ticket to midnight.......
People who brake-check others should get their shit run-the-f#ck-over.
Puzzled...I talk like this and I am not Australian.
Because they handle like cars...unlike SUVs and pickups.
You've got a Randy Quaid crazy-eye vibe going.
That ain't workin'
Having someone man the machine gun turret will let you use the HOV lane...
My initial response to the image was "bone dick" . The truth is much worse......
H0w do you know? Have you been to the edge? How do you know that it doesn't just loop back on its self...like a sphere?
Nice bush.....
Dear sir..it is cranes all the way up!
If it had been a Ferrari, those cop cars would have been replaced with Fire Engines.