
Going around a blind corner and not being prepared for the unknown is not an imaginary situation, it is called being a responsible motor vehicle operator.

Doesn't look like a bitch....

The riders are the asshats. Sure, we can lay blame on the driver of the sedan, but it is a blind corner. If it turned out that there was, instead of the car, a large dog or a 3 year child wandering into the street, the riders would be 100% at fault if they hit the dog or child.

It's your one-way ticket to midnight.......

People who brake-check others should get their shit run-the-f#ck-over.

Puzzled...I talk like this and I am not Australian.

Because they handle like cars...unlike SUVs and pickups.

You've got a Randy Quaid crazy-eye vibe going.

If the interior were clean and whole, $10,000 would be reasonable.

I love these articles! The Mixmaster is a highwater mark in propeller driven aircraft design!

That ain't workin'

Having someone man the machine gun turret will let you use the HOV lane...

My initial response to the image was "bone dick" . The truth is much worse......

H0w do you know? Have you been to the edge? How do you know that it doesn't just loop back on its self...like a sphere?

Nice bush.....

Dear sir..it is cranes all the way up!


If it had been a Ferrari, those cop cars would have been replaced with Fire Engines.

Fat fuck.