Insane fun. The options are targeting, including matching target speed made this a blast.
Insane fun. The options are targeting, including matching target speed made this a blast.
THe damn United Continental merger was the biggest air line cock-up I have ever been involved with.
just add a JATO pack to the back, fire it at the same time as the gun.
300mm = 12inch+/- meh......
THe window for hoping that "the Sonic will be the small car that Chevy did right" is closing quickly......
I love having fun but I cannot get over the fact that overpowering an SUV is the long way around to get supercar performance.
.and there is always the a$$hole with the guitar....
So if the SUV was not so much like an aerodynamic would be even faster...right?
It would be cool to see a MiG -21 or a MiG-23 in US Air Force Vietnam-era camo
So in his world, 45 minutes is the same or more than 60 minutes.?
In the small, exclusive group of Bugatti owners, a crude dick painted on the hood will elevate your status even higher.
Yes, the point is that coaxial rotor design is not a novelty but rather an established approach to helicopter design
Look at all the spiders running across the street in the beginning of the video....
Yeah, I call BS on that as well. I would put possum over skink, but mainly cause I have hit way more possums than anything else. Silly bastards don't even try to move.
Pretty sure that's a Lambo ...dude
F#ckin' A right!