ANy "full size truck" with a "mid sized bed" can go to my ever os humble opinion.
ANy "full size truck" with a "mid sized bed" can go to my ever os humble opinion.
The laser platform has to be stealthy, otherwise an enemy with the same capability would laser it out of the sky.
More like a Dalek
Construction time would be under a year with the design taken about another year. The rest is impact studies and permitting. A week is a stretch and the cost to mobilise enough contractors to pull it off would be prohibitive.
Because FREEDOM!
MAWR TankZ..Pleeze
"Hybrid Weenie Magazine"? oh you mean the New York Times.....
• Keith Olbermann Tackles The NFL So Hard That there is corn in them drawers.....
I hope that there is a B-32 long read on the way soon.
It's the Brando arc.....
Can you use DAGR while qualifying on the DAGR system on a DAGIR?
1963 S500 with Goldwing 1800cc flat 6...someone should do this....
..that we know of.....
Florida has good PR people.....
" It's a clusterfuck of the department being lax in collections and allowing its customers to be comfortable in not paying their bills regularly."
Good tires..but not great tires....
Don't forget those wonderful mileage penalties....
The stop bar keeps most people from noticing how the road is "badly built".