
@Cloud_Hiro: I always loved hitting her, just so she'll rock back and show some underboob.

#6 and #11 FTW, no matter what. Makes me want to put on my pyramid helmet and get into some ZOMBIE RAPE!

@Maxwetth: You mean the blonde chick, right?


I see this movie doing really well when it hits DVD release. Movie prices + a niche movie to begin with = won't sell well. Now if it had stupidity like pot smoking, or over-the-top brutality-type horror, it probably would sell.

@scrapking: 1980 was abyssmal. I used to sit through the Syfy marathons of the original series(I'm old enough to remember when the original series originally played), and when 1980 was on, the TV went elsewhere.

"Today, EA Studios annouced Jersey Shore : The Game. Players will choose from their favorite members of the cast, where they can engage in acts such as running for mayor all the way up to acting like a dumb drunken bitch during a bikini show!"

@eforhan: Daggit. That's it. I really need to watch the original series again.

@BeefSupreme: Yes! And it gives you +cute to your character! But do the digital Muffits have midgets inside them as well?

Why isn't there an option for, "Play Some Starcraft II?"

Man I want to play this.

Pengo on the 5200. Then my dad owned the arcade game - so I had the double threat going. That game was cool.

A plant would be awesome, but let Mini take care of it. He seems to have the green thumb.

@nbsp: I concur with that fix, sirrah.

@Soliloquy: MacKay? From Atlantis? I'm sure he could come up with something to take out both Supes AND Cap! All he needs is a ZPM, a broke-ass Jumper, and one nuke.

@John-Hamptonshire: Whoop whoop indeed, sir. The best part? His hair is STILL PERFECT.

@Amuro1X: asdf got the joke, at least.

@TheAlmeida: But the...uh...ah hell can't remember what they're called, they weren't an accident. They were put in on purpose. #9 is an accident that could be gold.