
But 1) the camp never sunk to the level of Sharknado and other cheap and dumb Siffy movies, and 2) once the show hit big, they tightened up production, while still maintaining rolling balls of zombies. ZNation is just a lot of fun.

It’s just fun. I think that’s the major draw for me.

The relentless camp that is Z Nation is why. When I first checked it out, I couldn’t roll with it. But on a second viewing, after getting it set in my head that it’s not to be taken seriously, I’ve really grown to enjoy that show a hell of a lot.

I was seriously cheering for him to rip out a beating heart. That would have been amazing.

Discovery wasn’t perfect, but I will say this - it may have been the best first season in the franchise.

They just love to hate this show. It can’t do anything right in their eyes. It had a lot to say and I think it said it.

Nah, I thought this season was awesome. And I think it’s pretty weird that this site lambasted Discovery for weeks about how ~untrue to Federation ideals its ethos was, and is now critiquing it for staying too true to Federation ideals.

At this point, I warp right past the seething screed. Which is something, because the Prime Directive of the Internet is, “Never read the comments.” Here, in the Mirror Internet, it is, “Never read the review.”

I had no Prosecco and was misty-eyed during Burnham’s speech, and during her conversation with Sarek where he gives her her rank back.

Also, I’m not one for nostalgia, but I had my arms in the air at the very end. So well done.

The only good thing about Discovery’s season ending is that these seething screeds about it halt, too.

I’m going to blame the fact that I’d just consumed half a bottle of prosecco for my crying during Burnham’s speech. Also when everyone stood on the bridge.

I am bewildered as to why Saru hasn’t given Tilly a field commission to bring her from Cadet to Ensign, at the very effing least. She is a Wesley Crusher that works and curses, dammit, AND by my count she’s saved the ship twice.

Here: I’ll compound it by saying that “The Orville” is better in every conceivable way and Seth McFarlane has a better grip on what it means to be a star trek show than any of the show-runners since TNG.

Now you can get emotional about how I’m wrong.

It’s the circle of nerdrage.

I am just enjoying it every week on it’s own being perfectly content.

I’m just a Star Trek fan, and I love Discovery, as do my family members and friends. We watched Star Trek growing up, but not religiously and don’t attend conventions. Those who self-identify as Trekkies/Trekkers do not seem to like Discovery, however. I’ve heard many Trekkies say, “It is alright scifi, but just not

I personally had a totally opposite experience with this episode and feel it’s one of the best of Trek ever. Out of any series.

About the Alice in Wonderland thing, how I interpreted it is that she’s claustrophobic - probably as a result of surviving in some tiny space during the Klingon attack that killed her parents - and reciting the verse keeps her from having a panic attack.

Or angry man-babies upset that the lead is a black woman?

I’m going to say again that it blew away my expectations. I actually teared up at the titles: Star Trek was a huge part of my young life and it’s so good to see it back. I remember watching the series finale of DS9 with my grandmother, whom I lost this year, and I wish she had been able to see this.

Also, Rhaegar sure looked like a blonde Viserys douchebag. WTF?!