
I’m surprised how much I enjoy People of Earth. I was originally just going to watch for Wyatt Cenac and Alice Wetterlund, but the whole show is fantastic. Like when the support group all went out to the bar...

Same here. I told some friends they had to watch Trollhunter and they laughed at my recommendation. Finally got them to watch it and they agree it’s an awesome flick.

I began to watch Trollhunter thinking it would be crap and I would probably not even want to finish it. I am happy to say I was wrong, wrong wrong—I love this movie. Very original. I highly recommend it.

“This content is currently unavailable”, whoever she is, she is the new “You’ve got Mail”

I know, right???

Fuck you geolocking.

This column saves me watching these morons stumble around for an hour and cuts it down to a minute or two of reading.

3% was shot and produced entirely in Brazil, in Portuguese (with optional English dubbing),

Well, that’s completely pointless, amateur shit of the lowest variety.

Little do people realize this film actually takes place in the future after Trump unleashes the demons of hell. Damon’s character was originally a border control agent that worked on Trump’s wall. That’s why he’s such an important element. He already has experience battling demonic invaders from atop a wall.

Watching Z Nation and seeing thetwo zombies in that bottom GIF, I thought I recognized those actors before.

REALLY need to watch this show

When I saw the zombie tornado in season 1 (I think), I knew that show was special. how has nobody had zombies being thrown into buildings by a tornado before? Genius. It’s like a live action video game.

Meanwhile, over on Z-Nation. . .

Oh I get personal about my z nation!!! You just come sit right over here with us and no need to be lonely anymore 😉

I love the end of that episode when 10k says, “I’m glad I never had an office job. Those people were messed up.”

“Whenever you’re attempting “so bad it’s good,” you bettah have Gina Gershon on speed dial.”

YES. Even the silly, ridiculous stuff is layered and nuanced. I’m so glad to see others agree!

Especially because at the end of this episode they intentionally did really bad cgi zombies to make the episode “cheesy”. I don’t know what we did to deserve z nation but I love it so damn much 🙏😭🙏😭