
Thanks so much Charlie Jane. Now my reading list is all set for the weekend.

For a country shaped like a poodle's head, you'd think they'd be a bit more... I don't know, light-hearted. Guess not.

This weekend, Hollywood will release the movie adaptation of Lois Lowry's The Giver, a film many of us have been

"before Weeds turned into whatever that was towards its end"

Now playing

God, the Middleman, WHY did this not last longer?! At least could have done the final episode, table read was glorious for it:

Now playing

As many are saying, feels like I lost a friend I've never met. Watch him break Craig Ferguson.

I think the problem of poor production value can be solved with the money you'd spend on a big film. That being said, I always felt B5's biggest problem was its actors. It's not that they were terrible but they lacked the gravitas needed to make the lines believable. Look at DS9 and BSG for examples of how great

Says someone who must've never so much as seen anything beyond the pilot. Not only B5 pretty much singlehandedly started the concept of a TV show with a predetermined, continuous storyline, it also had one of the best supporting casts ever. Just try to call any plotline involving G'kar and Londo boring, and prove that

It's either that or start drinking at lunch. THANKSH OBERMA!!

Agreed. Longmire is a seldom hyped show sailing well below the radar. But it has excellent acting, atmosphere and storylines. Disney-ABC owns a big chunk of A&E. I don't know why ABC can't learn from this series and apply the formula to their mainstream fare. With the exception of PoI as you mentioned, there's little

Longmire is so much better than this show. I am getting close to giving up on any drama on ABC, NBC or CBS. All I would have missed is Person of Interest, which is pretty great, but there are so many bad shows on traditional network TV. Almost all the shows I look forward to are on networks that didn't exist 30 years

'Longmire under the Dome', now that's a show.

Jason Todd

Obnoxious? Certainly. Psychotic? Definitely.

Ugh. SyFy does NOT have a good track-record of doing this stuff well. This author and book series deserved so much better. Like HBO quality, not SyFy cheese.

Graveyard of the Fireflies is the saddest movie I have ever seen ever. I have not been able to watch that movie without bawling my freaking eyes out.

I might add How To Train Your Dragon 2. It expanded the world and became a bit darker, but didn't lose any of the charm. Still colourful and funny, but with way more depth than any other DreamWorks flick.

Shit. I did it again.

This movie is going to kill! I love the cast, the director is one of my favorites, and the subject: Space... WHO THE HELL WOULDN'T WANT TO SEE THIS!?!?