
I'd also like to point out that the rapture isn't really like a "thing" biblically. It's a very recent interpretation of a sliver of scripture.

Hate to be that guy but have to point out that a key aspect is that this is not the Rapture as predicted as the book (and apparently the show) makes clear since many of those taken aren't even Christians, various faiths while many kids are left behind as well as others who would fit into that. It's a mass

No. You're using a false analogy and complicating the concept. Being asleep and being awake are simply different states of the same subject. An old subject and its clone are not different states of the same subject, they are two separate subjects. It does not matter if the two contain the same information, i.e.

In Star Trek the transporter is a matter-energy conversion device. Matter is converted to energy, with a data stream defining the location and state of every subatomic molecule in the person's body. A billion, billion atoms, converted into energy as per Einstein's laws, and then that energy is converted back to


That's one thing I'm not lookin for. I can't get over the stupidity of throwing away organic mater (and air) when they have such a limited resources. They should've at least release oxygen from the bodies.

I think in a lot of cases they're just super concerned with maintaining their boyfriends' frail egos.

I wasn't too into all the sex toward the end of the book, but I love the concept of grokking. What's odd is I use that word a lot, often around people I really doubt have read the book, and I don't feel like it's made its way into the larger vernacular. Either more people have read the book than I thought, or I'm so

The concept of the fair witness from this book changed how I respond to questions...

Halo taught me that sometimes great sacrifices need to be made to save others and that the ends can justify the means (SPARTAN-IIs)

Star Trek pretty clearly. Whole set of moral codes and ideals. Growing up watching it is probably part of why I have the political views I do today.

This has shaped much of my thinking throughout life.

An entire philosophy an outlook on life summed up in two words and a towel.

The Rock is always going to find work in movies no matter what.

I think Ward really *is* a HYDRA agent, because this is Whedon. I am also pretty sure that he will be "saved" eventually by the team and his love for Skye (blah-blah-blah)...and either May or Fitz will kill him because he betrayed the team. Because any other outcome makes Ward and Skye this show's Buffy and Angel.

No, they've always been here, but the internet allows them to make themselves more miserable. Honestly, as much as I think it's important to combat ignorance, it'd be a lot better if we ignore them unless they're policy makers or someone otherwise capable of making an actual impact on the world.

The thing is, I feel like some who may not get the story (like, say, studio execs) may feel like the story's "twee" elements are what makes it and would want to emphasize those parts. That's my concern. They may just drown it in false sincerity and twee notes because they don't understand the heart of the story.

It may not be the best, or one that we want to remember, but the Who Shot J.R? cliffhanger on Dallas created a pop culture buzz like none other and that's what a season finale is supposed to do.

My cousins in the Peace Corps are bringing back disturbing reports. There are the Haves and the Have-Nots, but the Have-Nots are getting increasingly desperate. Radicalized, and completely aware of what they're missing.

I am sleepy right now. Very very sleepy. Kind of drifting off at my desk that's why I'm perusing your site. Try and stay awake.