
Those gauges though.....

How many fake buttons does it have?

Jason, please make this a regular feature for us light-geeks out there in the dark, dark world!

The later cars (post 1987) ditched the pop-ups though

Are we losing cargo space here? I guess there’ll be a bigger difference between this and the new Prius V.

Does anyone know what the yellow car next to Jeremy is in that pic? Don’t recognize it...

Monument Valley?

I feel like the problem with robotics at this level is that their level of reliability needs to be higher than today’s consumer electronics in order to be viable. What happens when your iCar glitches out or runs out of ram and needs to be restarted in the middle of a crowded intersection?

“Hurry, Dr. Jones! We’ve got just enough spare tires to make it to Cairo in time for the ritual!”

Am I doing it right?

12 years? weren’t these launched in 06?

Is ‘vestigial’ touch screen the word you’re looking for? A tape deck would be vestigial... But a touchscreen is the opposite, no?

Buick Encore....
or really any Buick they still make

Monster cable? not you tooooooo....

Does it get a lot of attention or do people know it’s a toyota/subie?

Drive the Rainbow... taste the Rainbow

A calculator... because.... why not....

On a scale of rocks to clouds, what do the throw pillows feel like?

Aston might want to have a chat with the boys in Detroit then....

license plate makes the new one look worse; bad comparison