
i JUST heard about this on the radio on my way to work (on 101X). There's always huge NO TEXTING things on screen at alamo, and the only thing i've used my cell phone for there is a light to see the menu if i get there late (but at least I do that underneath the tables). I can't wait to see this before my next movie.

i would hope that full screen mode isn't the only windowing mode available o_O Also, if fullscreen mode doesn't deal with multiple monitors nicely, then Apple needs to reconsider hiring a new engineer to replace that twit who decided a giant stretched window across two 30" monitors would be awesome.

I always wonder why education is generally the lowest on the scale; I feel like potentially that coincides a lot of child/teen development and that's something I'd say is pretty damn important if children are still considered our future.

I clicked this out of curiosity, DSP is my thing.

I don't particularly understand the whole blanketing the US in LTE thing; it's not like AT&T is giving it away for free, so even if you blanket everybody, it's still going to cost a buttload, so not everybody can afford it or anything. I guess it's cool if i drive from town to town in Texas and have LTE everywhere,

some ppl like perceived freedom to do whatever, some ppl like to be guided. I never do any side questing in JRPGs, and that's all i played for probably 4-5 years of my life (excluding IIDX). But when you measure value by playtime, then things lean to the sandboxy side of things. If i enjoy the game well enough, i

I would be more assured if I saw Treasure on that blip and not Sega o.o;;; but agreed, that game was friggin bad ass and so fun to play. Too bad the american box art looked like budget game material, I own the JPN version of it.

yeah, but he could no longer obtain any more replacement ps3s D: so on that principle (and geohotz getting a lawsuit) he just ditched the platform entirely for the class. his own private ps3s he had at home, ok he and his wife never updated lol

When I worked at OfficeMax, a dude pushed a cart full of DVD-Rs and stuff to the register and BOLTED to the door with the cart. I took after him screaming but my managers quickly told me to stop; what I was told was that once the guy was outside of the store, that's no longer within our jurisdiction, and if I lay down

this is the smartest thing I've heard anybody say. A prof at Georgia Tech used to teach development for multicore GPU game systems as a graduate class on PS3s, but changed the curriculum to not use PS3s after the linux part was removed. The cell proc is the interesting part of the system, whether or not it gives you

You know how amazing it is to have played Duke Nukem 3D when I was in 1st grade, and then look forward to Duke Nukem Forever all the way through school, and now when I graduate from college and go to graduate school it actually comes out? I know some of you guys are feeling the same thing, and it's just crazy. That's

i love the crap out of accent core, and I'm a terrible Sol player (in the context of Austin TX, but that's not really fair since we had Latif, Pozerwolf, Crimsondisaster, and then a bunch from Houston like Jan and Marn), but it's one of those games (like mvc2 at MSP-tier) that you can really learn a lot out of, like

I guess the problem there is that gingerbread isn't widely distributed yet to the general public (though CM7.0.2 Slide is delicious :3) and the wifi tether app on google labs requires root, though that app I had been using since the mt3g, so useful. PDAnet and i think the few others on market didn't require root, so

the marvel guide book is at jpn Mook level and has a ton of stuff; at the very least, frame data is helpful, and the articles were written by members of the community (buktooth for one) so at least in terms of mvc3, guides can be at least helpful to get a quick jumpstart, even if it becomes outdated eventually. At

It's the specific guides from Brady that gives it the good reputation it has. In ATX, where good friends that wrote for Marvel 3 and 3S guides reside, those two books are considered to be newbie bibles in the joking sense. I mean, 3S information is somewhat outdated now (come on, it was YEARS ago, did SGGK even come

My copy just shipped out yesterday from play-asia; FINALLY, the pay off for buying the Otomedius G konamistyle package! That ungodly $376 purchase finally gets a 2nd game for touchpad option bombing.

it's not like this combo can be commonly used; team chun needs to have only 2 living characters in order to switch back, successfully team aerial combo twice, and bring them to the corner, and the kid needs execution on the spot. Additionally, half the cast crouches under her stand B -_- ppl are either crouching or

our family JUST ran away from ATT a year ago to go with tmobile, and this happens. AT&T has just been terrible for me across the board, so I can't believe I get a total of 2 years of nice things and then get dumped back into the crapper.

i think that snobbery is more like misdirected sadness, knowing sooner or later, majority of developers will be trying to get a larger audience, with fewer games that actually gained some sort of complexity over time. You saw what happened to Atlus; they concentrate on making social network games now, with their IPs

i think that snobbery is more like misdirected sadness, knowing sooner or later, majority of developers will be trying to get a larger audience, with fewer games that actually gained some sort of complexity over time. You saw what happened to Atlus; they concentrate on making social network games now, with their IPs