
Whether it makes sense comes down to minute details of the weather. If it’s well below freezing when the precip starts, wipers up or down probably makes little difference.

That’s thing, the vast majority of bikes I see lane splitting where I do most of my driving do so illegally when the traffic is heavy but otherwise moving at a reasonable speed. When traffic is moving at 50 mph, lane splitting at +25 becomes unreasonable and dangerous. Often, they blow past at a speed that literally

Yeah, but who’s going to chase you down to give you a ticket, unless you happen to be unfortunate enough to do it in front of one of the 25 motorcycle cops in the country?

While this is true, it takes a very deft touch and certainly more skill than engine braking above 32 F. The only time I’ve bent my own car was because I lifted off the gas abruptly in the snow and lost traction.

Or maybe don't break the law by lane splitting.

I have no problem with honest lane splitting, when motorcycles filter through stopped or very slowly moving traffic. The problem is that people in general, given an inch, will take a mile. That includes motorcyclists who get comfortable with filtering in traffic jams, and begin lane splitting in heavy traffic moving

A partial list of notable things I’ve seen fall or fallen off of trucks:

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Anyone else have this come immediately to mind?

Former Camry driver here. I bought my Camry as a freshman in college. I needed a car to get to school and back and had a fairly generous budget. After a lot of searching used car lots and driving lots of cars, I settled on a 1989 Camry Alltrac. It was dark blue with a blue tweedy interior and it was minty despite

You also could live in Lewistown, Pa., but I’d probably go with Tampa.

You know, it’s possible to embed YouTube videos cued to a particular starting point. It would save your readers the trouble of skipping through 19 minutes of a barrier fluttering in the wind and what appeared to be a snippet of a taped-over 80s sitcom to find the five seconds of interesting footage. You should take

I had a chain “car care” place put a lift through the floor of my Camry when I was in college. It took a call from the consumer watchdog at the local paper to sort it out.

What’s a “no-build”?

Well, Thorpe’s sons weren’t planning to return his body to Yale.

In a small former coal mining community in Carbon County, Pa., stands a mausoleum for the pioneering American Indian athlete Jim Thorpe. The memorial to Thorpe, who was a dual Olympic gold medalist and pro football player, isn’t that weird in and of itself. But how it got to be there and what has happened since, is

I didn’t recognize that as a stretch of 95 I’ve driven hundreds of times. Makes total sense that it’s in Pennsylvania. Not far from there on 476 there’s a section with a sudden dip in a sharp left turn coming out of the mid-county tolls that makes the ass end of my car get squirrelly every time. It’s been that way for

If you look closely at many rear-engined biz jets, you’ll see a pinch in the fuselage opposite the nacelles in keeping with the Whitcomb area rule. I’d expect the Honda jet’s pylons are designed long enough to avoid induced drag to the extent possible.

Putting the engines up high allows the jet to sit lower on the ground, which means shorter, lighter landing gear and easier access to the cabin.

At least a dozen years ago I went to the Philly car show with my buddy, his brother and their nephew, who was probably five or six at the time.