

Pepe saw ubiquitous use before the alt-right tried to co-opt it. And they failed because of the already ubiquitous use.

Yeah, everybody jumped on that, but nobody ever thought to tell the alt-right to fuck off and instead just let them take whatever they wanted.

The way this went down in “the media” signals the alt-right can literally grab whatever character or symbol they want and everybody else has to drop it immediately.

I’m not surprised by the lack of research in this article. Seems like easy click bait for the author.

wut? Pepe is used literally everywhere on Twitch in every single chatroom nearly? It has not been Co-opted by the extreme-right. It was attempted to be co-opted and imo failed.

This article fails to recognize or consider that literally millions of Twitch viewers, and streamers, use Pepe in innocuous, genuine, and fun ways to express themselves on a daily basis.

Extremely disappointed in you guys writing something like this. Don’t make Kotaku less reputable.

The types of people who want to surrender any aspect of culture the second it is used by the far right are unironically making those people far stronger than they ever could be. 

“You’re the villain because you let me do this.  I’m doing this because I need to be stopped,” is some straight up super-villain shit.  Fuck this guy.

He might be saying he ‘wants to get caught’ so that the ‘exploit gets fixed’, but fucking up people’s games is not how to do that. Just because you say you have noble purpose doesn’t mean you aren’t being an asshole.

Equal opportunity fanservice is the best fanservice! Full, practical armor/outfits and skimpy bikini-outfits for all!

None of the comments referenced in the article seem particularly salty to me.

Parker said the decision to not remove the revealing outfits players criticized about from the game wholesale because it wanted to balance the experience for “hardcore fans” and players in the U.S.

I get what you are saying, but when I was a child everything that was targeted toward children featured characters who were teenagers who might look mid-20s. The only big exception was cartoons with talking animals instead of human characters.

but the gator has apple themes throwing me off.

Now that we got the obligatory comment for the release of a new generation out of the way, can we please move on?

Or maybe... just maybe... you can’t divide the world into camps based on people disagreeing with you? Shocking, I know, but weirdly it’s true.

“lol, those OTHER fighting game players are a bunch of stinky nerds, not like us super chads who play a DIFFERENT fighting game, amirite?”

My hot takes:

No one is honestly more deserving. Two more small tidbits, 1) she’s a trained opera singer so her singing is quite beautiful and, 2) she’s immunocompromised and has some sort of lung disease, so she’s been house, and more often, bed bound for years. Even while streaming she has to take meds constantly and sometimes