Hal "9000" Bryan

I hated those 90s sculpts, but I loved that they were once again making the ships that I’d lost through Mom/Little Brother attrition. There was a hilarious photo of Pec Luke squeezed into the new X-Wing. It took me a long time but I finally re-acquired all four Rebel fighters. That was a fine day when they are all

I can still remember the day my mail-away Boba Fett finally arrived. I’d waited what seemed like an eternity. My mother brought it with her when she came to pick me up from school. I ripped open the box, tore open the plastic bag, and was heartbroken to discover the rocket-firing backpack didn’t do squat. That stupid

And one of my favorite books as a kid, and still one I treasure: National Geographic’s Our Universe.

What wasn’t reported was.....the pizza arrived before the cops did.......

I should probably follow your example and start commenting on recaps of bad shows to point out to the writer how it’s not a good use of her time, huh

Diet Soylent Green is also people


I shall fake my own birth.

"Once again, the consciousness requested therapy."

God clicks on "Exit without Saving".

"We judge you by your dreams."

The sea rose with vengeance planned.

It was this Robinson R-22 ... ( a month later another one of their helicopters had a mid air collision )

Oh my god you people with this. Office is a subscription. You can either buy office or subscribe in perpetuity. It's up to you. If Windows added a subscription what sort of moronic plan would it be to force a billion people who couldn't afford a subscription to fail and cripple their install base? If they bring the

And they only charged $30 for the Windows 8 upgrade for the first year-ish. Did you know that not a single person who got the $30 upgrade had to pay more money when Microsoft started charging full price?

Theme songs used to be epic. I think the best might be from "Barney Miller." That bass is killer!

The Rockford Files was a good show, but the one thing that was memorable about it for me was its awesome theme song, which was released as a single and actually peaked on Billboard's Hot 100 chart at #10; it also won a Grammy. The theme song was composed was Mike Post and Pete Carpenter, and Mike Post went on to do

That plane could have come from the Microsoft game Crimson Skies. Man, that was a fun game. Was mad that Crimson Skies 2 came out on the XBOX (original) since I didn't own it.

Has a very Crimson Skies vibe, which is awesome.

hybrid rotary and piston driven madness