
Pogo plug = Works great for cloud software and such, not so much for streaming. Torinado great for cloud browsing of files on my machine (new pogoplug software does this now.. still not as quick) and it's ok for streaming ... Was using Subsonic.. how does AudioGalaxy compare?

Yes, I can only download if he says it's OK... it's almost religious... it's like Whitsoniania

What about syncing playlists to my phone? I haven't looked at Miro yet but my firewall program did tell me there was an unwanted toolbar in it and so it stopped the D/L. As for Doubletwist it wouldn't let me since ... meaning it would just either clock for 8 hours saying it was adding stuff or just die. I have a quad

Is this app Whitson approved?

I can't download this unless Whiston approves it... Forgive me, it's been two days since my last download. LOL!

I was going to read this earlier, but I forgot.

Send me a message we can talk, maybe I can help.

So I was reading through your other posts JP (as I liked the name)...and I was going to add you as a friend as soon as I saw "has no friends" ... I'm so sorry :(

Public void static main Gordon {

Ah but I've downloaded every piece of software he's recommended, rooted my phone, installed the crack netflix, etc...etc... etc.. and I'm actually typing now from an Internet cafe since my phone and computer no longer work ;)

Why not use TOR or VPN?

Android love?

What no star?? (I jest) ;) See you on twitter... WG!

I like Seekdroid, I'm using it w/Prey (seeing which I like better and Wavesecure).

Yeah the issue with Lookout is the guy can just uninstall it.. it also doesn't guard against SIM changes.

Resist urge... to...download ... all ... software Whitson ... blogs .... must... restrain.. crap... it's downloading... must cancel... damn ...it's installing... resistance is futile.

So what's the best security program out there that will remote wipe, track a phone etc... (Prey,Norton,Your choice,Others) ..??

Sorry but I love my Dual Core x2 ... yes I know it's LG... and yes I know I had a Nexus one before..but you know out of all the dc phones on the market it's the fastest but I WANT NETFLIX!

Love it!

You know I think LP is not only a great company but they responded to this threat or potential threat well. I personally will continue to use them. I basically have a strong non-dictionary password as my master password and for any machine other than my home server I require a YUBI key. Works great and safer than