Does intent matter when there is other context? Its not officially a sex anthem but everyone perceives it to be about sex. Also, lyrics cited above.
Does intent matter when there is other context? Its not officially a sex anthem but everyone perceives it to be about sex. Also, lyrics cited above.
Yeah, he is out living life and making the money. But his supporters are so sensitive that they can’t be REMINDED of that time he violently forced himself on a woman begging him not to? Give me a break. Should we also point out that he was largely a product of poverty and the prison system (a lot of juvie as a kid…
“Do What U Want” is worse. Tyson served jail time: Terry Richardson has never seen the inside of a courtroom, and R. Kelly raped several little girls (and even married one) and never saw a cell.
How many years does it take for a rapist to stop being a rapist?
This is more or less stated above. The article is about the really bad choice of song and the rape/sex reference is the first one that would come to any persons mind. I realize he was failed by the system as a child and had a terrible traumatizing childhood but violent rape is something people shouldn’t forget. I do…
Ugh, this wannabe victim. Riding the rape-accusation train to GLORY. Now look at her. She’s got everything! A face with a mouth! College! A mattress! Some people who don’t like this precious male on her behalf! WHAT NEXT?! WHAT ARE WE GOING TO GIVE THIS LIAR NEXT?!
It is about Columbia University as an institution, which was not only silent, but actively and knowingly supported attacks on Paul Nungesser, after having determined his innocence, legitimizing a fiction.
I agree that what he’s really trying to do is silence those who have accused him. The tone of his claims, however, is completely mockable in its “they hurt my precious man fee-fees” and “my feelings are the only ones that matter” way.
No, he’s attempting to sue people who helped one of his victims come out and expose him as a serial rapist which has now ruined his life. She managed to flip the scoreboard on him and he’s actually trying to sue for it (because “that’s not how it’s supposed to go” I guess).
appealed and won after the woman grew tired of fighting the proceedings
Waaa. I probably raped several people, but them accusing me of raping them hurts my fee fees. Waaa.
Also, there’s this, from the first linked article:
As we reported in February, Nungesser was found not responsible in the alleged rape by the campus disciplinary board. Two other women also accused Nungesser of sexual assualt; the board found him not responsible on those charges as well. Another accuser, a male student, says he filed a complaint against Nungesser with…
I’m going to be very upset if gillian is dating anybody but me. Yes, I know I’m going to be upset....
I’m going to be very upset if Gillian Anderson really is dating Chris Martin.
Watch Smoke Signals instead.
No one else seems to get that distinction. 4channers know it’s a shithole. Reddit thinks they’re actually upstanding citizens, and that’s terrifying.
it’s like not even the dudebros. it’s just HOW FUCKING ABOVE IT ALL they general seem to think they are? like 4chan embraces their shitty basement dwelling selves. they know, in general, that the loudest part of their comentariat are juvinile, petty dicks. reddit seems to think itself so far above it all when they are…
Reddit could so easily be a great site if it wasn’t so heavily dudebro-dominated. Even as it is, if you stay out of the main subreddits, there’s some interesting discussions. I really wish there was a Reddit equivalent that skewed as heavily female as Reddit skews white male. I suppose there’s Tumblr but the format…