Kit 'Haddy' Iwamatsu

Fords selection process was picking prior owners of Ford GTs, brand ambassadors, etc. Only a few people getting them aren’t ‘gear heads.’ I’d say more than you expect.

The real lesson here is, money talks.

We’ve all learned a valuable lesson.

Nothing odd here, just some rodents making nests. I have had a vehicle that was 2 months old have similar nests in it after sitting in the dealer lot before getting put on the sales line.

Overrun, not overcook.

Turboprops do not apply full power on landing. But since the plane just varies the pitch of its props, it can go from no thrust to near max in moments, compared to the spool up time of a jet engine.

I can see the swedes taking it to the next level, and creating a test for moose poop evasion. That stuff goes flying!

They added half of that back on (22lbs) and dropped the turbo pressure before the race.

Internal work on transmissions. Specifically, giant snaprings often found compressing clutch packs in sunshells. Fuck those things scare me, for no good reason. other than some finger breaking capability if you aren’t careful, they aren’t particularly dangerous!

Actually, chrysler originated the design. It’s a take on the ‘letter’ series 300s from the 50s.

Looking at the camo.. the rear windows are filled in. The cover isnt particularly square in the back. The back roof area has some odd sags...

Inspections are a racket.

Equus, or whatever it’s called now. Longer than a genesis, same engine, muuuuch better interior.

The software controlling the trailer can simulate aerodynamic drag, various hill profiles, etc. It’s just ramping up and down the dynamic braking effect.

Ford doesnt make the trailer. I cant remember the name of the company, but a wannabe small truck importer I was working with rented one from the company that makes them. They are neat, and capable of simulating 5600lbs of DRAWBAR force, which works out to around 46,000lbs equivalent trailer climbing the steepest grade

Rear suspension on a 99 Jetta has a 1500lb GAWR on a 2700lb car. with pretty crummy weight distro. Gives you around 850lbs or so of rear axle capacity, which fits with a 1150lb sticker cargo and passenger capacity.

Congrats on COTD. As for which car is horrible about space...

This car already exists and is sold in korea as the Equus Limousine Prestige, they are just unveiling the rebranded, next version.

Well, it would be named the G90L if it was converted to US parlance, not that it would be imported to the US. The g90 is already sold in the US as the Equus, and a limo version is made, but has never been imported.

Looking forward to what they bring to the US (this one probably wont. They didnt bring the long Equus over). My current Equus will probably be replaced next year, would love to shop the new stuff vs the usual suspects.