Kit 'Haddy' Iwamatsu

Their trick is just that. They don’t have to make infrastructure ‘everywhere’ I did some back of the napkin simple math. Assuming an ~900 mile useful range (leaving lots of ‘waste’ for loading, unloading, whatever kind of idling these trucks do, etc) They could get away with only a handful of refueling stations. 12

Carmax will not let you get a PPI anywhere. You have to buy the car, get it inspected, and if it’s a disaster, take it back and get a refund under their 3 day program.

Those solder joints are ‘cold’ and will come back to bite ya in the ass later. A little solder wick, clean up the old stuff, some flux, and some new solder would make that a permanent repair. The lead-free stuff tends to vibration crack over time.

You’re a bit off on ‘fastest prop plane.’ It might be a very quick piston plane, but the Tucano (335mph) and the P180 (460mph)come to mind as prop planes that shatter the speed of this thing.

Not really a secret. At the time, Lamborghini was owned by Chrysler, and they had experience casting an aluminum engine. The early prototype was made in lamborghinis’ facilities before Chrysler had their own up and running. Lamborghini did a lot of design work on the motor too to make it more compatible with

Other than being V10 and around 8 liters each, the truck and viper engine share no other characteristics, or parts. The truck v10 is iron, the viper v10 is aluminum. Pistons, cam, crank, intake, conrods, heads,, injectors, and ECU have no interchangeability in any way. They are both descendants of the LA engine,

The fuel is marked up to retail price. They purchase it wholesale. Their overhead is low, since they don’t have a station, property, etc to maintain. They do just fine on getting a profit. I am sure their taxing structure is also different.

Maybe a link to the recall? Or the dates for actual information content for readers?

They most likely took the water. It was the 60's, they didn’t leave radioactive stuff laying around, and the reason they left the site was the moving/growing ice crushing the facility. But the containment for the coolant might have been left behind...

If there is any waste there, it would be low level, and is probably quite contained. I suspect it will be more components and equipment that is contaminated, rather than large quantities of material. Nuclear weapons don’t exactly ‘leak’ a lot. Plus the ice would have added more containment on top of that.

The law only applies to recording conversations. I imagine simple surveillance (as in, security cameras) would be exempt, as you are not recording the conversation. It would be fun to be a fly on the wall in the event of lip reading going to trial...

I think the case law would ahve to be cited, but the INSIDE of a car is private space, even if in public view. And the restricted access areas of a facility, indoors or out, would also not be public space.

If the security cameras record audio, in those states... yes. if it’s just video, you are not recording a conversation.

It’s got no radioactive materials onboard, there are no yellow trefoils on the hazard placards. Since most of them are blank, I’m guessing the truck is empty, other than the generic ‘dangerous’ placard on display.

Depends on the state, but possibly..

Ah, learning starts with the art of being wrong! :P

SpaceX and ATK have both put 4 ton+ satellites into geo orbits. ATK is kind of known for their GEOStar series. SpaceX also has a USAF contract for 2 spysat launches, and certification for their falcon 9 and heavy platforms with options for more. The Falcon 9 Heavy is projected to be able to heft 24+tons to geo

I was just using Space-X as an example, since that seems to be the commonly discussed other company. ATK and ULA also both compete in the COTS space launch arena, and arguably have better track records than SpaceX.

They specifically have not published dimensions of their new Shepard rocket, officially. It’s very likey a PR move, to prevent media from saying things like ‘according to blue origin, their rocket is 1/15th the mass of falcon 9.’ Instead, we get headlines like ‘Blue Origin lands their rocket vertically!’ with little

Respectfully, it’s coming from a company that has never launched a rocket into orbit. They, in fact, haven’t even come CLOSE.