Kit 'Haddy' Iwamatsu

Sure! Just hop in that 1.0L equipped fiat panda and get on Interstate 40.

So, it will be like the Almond Roca of engines? Will it have gold foil wrapped on it?

Inboard Brakes.

Plymouth Panda? Nah.

They own Chrysler, which owns a few names.

I have a hard time imaging why anyone would replace an SBC with an oil leak. :P

Doing the SBC/v12 jag swap on a project car sitting in my shop right now actually...

When doing the 4BT swap on my now wrecked Ford Van, two grade 8 mounting bolts decided they were g rade 0 and snapped. The van was on the lift and the engine almost went for a walk. It was stopped by the grounding straps.

My gandmother gets tickets fairly often as well. She has an 02 pontiac firebird with a stick (its the 'firehawk' edition) that she had me warm over a bit 5 years ago. Shes 68 and still manages to get into trouble, usually racking up one or two local speeding tickets a year.

We left under an agreement, in 1992 not 1991. On top of that, we have been asked back several times. And, in fact, the US Navy is reopening subic bay this year, at the request of the Philippine government. It will not be brought up to full operations status, but will home port a few ships, minor facilities, and

You are talking about (in the case of Japan) a highway system that is only 5425 miles long. The population serviced by their system is 127 million. The US Hiway system is 48000 miles long and provides service to 312 million. Nearly 9x the roadway and less than 2.5x the customer base. Most of the highway system is

Shit like this happens all the time. Literally. This incident, for some reason, just became news. I'm fairly certain that the mutual defense treaty means there will not be any sort of financial compensation to the govt, though there might be some to local operations that were put out (if they can prove it.) The

This already exists. The more miles you drive, the more tax you pay. Its called fuel tax, and its levied on every gallon of gasoline and diesel.

That's a myth. I fly an aircraft MUCH smaller than a B52, and landing on the highway in it is out of the question. Even if you removed all the obstacles (signs, lights, dividers, mile markers), the wings of the family plane are 109 feet, and they would clip trees on each side of the highway. A b52 or similar

I own an SRT8 300C. Its not as much fun as the GT500 , but damn does that thing snort and spit when you get on it. 4 doors vs 2, 5 seats vs 4, and a trunk that puts the mustang to total and utter shame.

Its eerie. Even the placement of planters, trash cans, etc was carefully controlled.

Clearly they meant Collagen.

Pripyat. It was a city designed to be a shining example of Russia's technical prowess. It was one of the first cities with Ostozhenko's 'Triangular Layout' (I went to Military School, Soviet Civilian Life/Communism was part of the material.) It was 100% planned. What stores went where, what kinda housing there

I then proceeded to drink it. legally. While operating my vehicle. (Well, half of it, it was a pretty shitty beer. I just did it for the novelty.)

There are no state wide open container laws in Mississippi. Some counties have them. This was in a town called Macgee (magee?)