Kit 'Haddy' Iwamatsu

Road America gave me shit during ALMS in 2012 about my service dog. Security kept thinking it was a pet, and would try to kick me out of the paddock and other 'no pet' areas. They kept asking for a 'license or certificate' for him. There is no such thing, as there are no federal agencies that certify

I know the Ford GT is awesome, I OWN ONE. That's why I said it will surprise those who know me.

I remember looking for that car at auctions. I REALLY wanted its transmission.

Yeah. its a bit insane. Based on a 2088 hour work year, Ford sells an F-series every 11 and 1/2 seconds. They ONLY sell them in the Americas. That's pretty insane.

I dont disagree, i am just pointing out that many other country's media, and many Americans minds, hold it to be the best American exotic.

It handles 1300hp because it was massively overbuilt. There wasn't time for lots of structural testing and engine design to trim pennies here and there. The engineers overbuilt it to get it into production, to ensure there was never a chance of something failing at any stage. The chassis was so overbuilt it

Based on my personal experience in Kerbal Space program, getting to the Mun just requires a huge amount of thrust and an unlimited supply of expendable man.

Our space program writes checks to the Russians for rides at the moment. At least we are looking to write checks to an American company soon!

This will surprise those who know me, but we need to make a better supercar than the Ford GT. Seriously. I'm tired of everyone saying its the only good car the Americans have ever built. We need to stop holding it up as an example of the finest we can do.

Every state that has a drag strip.

Engine driven fans on light duty diesels have always been ginormous.

I've owned a few nutjob cars. I owned a 97 viper when I lived in Las Vegas. That car wanted me DEAD. I owned an RS4, and loved every second of it. The engine makes just a wonderful sound, and noone knows the fucking evil that lurks just below the surface. I had to sell it along with my STS-V (no loss) to fund an

Viper GTS in Stryker Red, NOT one of the first 150 limited editions.

Heh, I already own a 300 SRT8, why would I 'downgrade' to a Dart? Could be kinda fun I suppose. I will provide more details and SR20 once I get more to show than a slip of paper for a deposited check.

The nearest major city to me is Memphis. Not exactly a hotbed of high end car purchasing activity. The local Mercedes dealer has to get inventory brought in from their Nashville store when you want a well optioned S-Class. The dealer I ordered through had 2 used GC SRT8s and a used 300C SRT8 this time around, but

Its a damn sexy car. I don't dig the chrome wheels at all, and I think the way they sloped the rear is a BIT strange, but I could live with that :D

Actually, none of the dealers I worked with stock the 300C SRT8 or the GC SRT8. When I bought my 300 SRT8 a few years back I had to order it without having ridden in one too. Chrysler had a pretty crappy reputation then too.

Who do you think their target market is? Young angry rich guys.

I always loved the insanity of the dual center exhausts. Who needs to tow?