Kit 'Haddy' Iwamatsu

That dude is a Grade A troll. Dont bother with him, I am quite certain he has some sort of clinical mental issue, and wants only to cause trouble to promote his own site.

Quite frankly, I keep an AR and body armor (its cheaper than you think!) in a locker built into my van. I work in Memphis and I have seen groups of 2-3 people armed with an AK walking around in 232 (part of Whitehaven). That photo there doesn't look much different, other than they appear to have a taste for Mr

Ghost ride the log? Banging sound systems for your log? Log Tuning? You'll have to make an enthusiast stripper log that cuts weight by reducing the length down to 3 feet.

I expect Spec Log events, as well as LogX and LogDrifting. The Koreans will make a clone of your clone of their work, making a product called The Pole. It will cost half as much and generally be viewed as a lesser Log, but eventually become an acceptable means of toting Phone Poles with time and investment from

I wouldn't say greener than a Prius. Those small 4 stroke engines generate a crapload of emissions, and in China they don't even have the CARB sticking their noses into the offroad engine's business. A common 4hp Honda in good tune generates about 650gr of co/kwh. It also releases about 25gr of hydrocarbons/kwh. A

And a great many vehicles built before the 90's can still be found with flat tappets!

I was hit by someone with insufficient insurance once too :P Didn't go well for them... I suppose my point is, if we were individually held responsible for our own driving, this kinda stuff wouldn't be a problem.

We already have laws that require us to maintain financial responsibility (insurance). Too bad those laws don't encourage individual responsibility. As it stands, for example, the individual who caused a wreck and did some damage to my RV last year pays a few bucks a month more for insurance, and has their home,

I-55 in Arkansas. Exits are 15-20 miles apart. Speed limit is 70. Doing 80 I get passed by 18 wheelers.

At those speeds, you mostly use a firehose and some plastic baggies/tongs to collect and cleanup.

Get your Powerchair off my lawn, old man!

I cannot imagine any pristine 80's RV other than a Twinkie being worth more than their scrap value, minus towing fees. My 2009 Class A/Truck is hardly worth anything now.

Not gonna defend anyone in this situation. Mistakes were made on every side. I wasn't overloaded, but I was closer to my front GAWR than I had previously driven, and probably could have been doing 55 instead of 60. At those weights, it matters. The biker made a bad move, and the minivan in the back was too close.

But Mr Shelby would understand. In the US we removed much of the Zinc from our oil to protect catalytic converters. This negatively affects the lifespan of the camshaft. They label it European Formula because "Doesn't Fuck Up Your Cam Formula" probably wouldn't advertise very well.

I'm on a championship/prize winning BBQ team. My favorite rub is ours!

Agreed, but there are limits to foresight, and hindsight is 20/20. In his position, I would not have attempted the pass. Drivers are too unpredictable, and I may not have seen him myself. I would have waited for the honda to get lost, or fall back and wait for the minivan to make its move.

I don't ride a bike because of the accident I was in last year. I am an EXTREMELY vigilant driver, as are a fair number of Jalops. Having driven large (1 ton pickups, Vans, farm trucks, etc) vehicles most of my life, I have a well honed, almost instinctual/subconscious ability to track the positions of vehicles in

The B rating of your extinguishers are important. The B rating is how big of a fuel fire it can put out, in square feet. People should keep at least a 10BC/2lb extinguisher on hand. Its 20 bucks for one on amazon. [www.amazon.com] It wont handle a LOT, but it could be enough to keep your car or trailer from burning

10w-40? Such a vehicle Deserves a nice Mobil1 0W40 full synthetic, for the extra zinc to protect its valvetrain.

(Scars in arm pits! She might want to look at some form of mitigation for those, if shes working as a model)