Kit 'Haddy' Iwamatsu

If it helps you sleep tonight am happy to acquiesce to your internet 'I'm a big writer in my mind and get to be a jerk because of it' tactic and declare you the winner. I get to keep my cherished memories of a very faithful and treasured friend. You get to say you won an internet argument against someone who was

Quite honestly, if i was ever forced to give up Blue, I would have had him euthanized. Its the only safe, and responsible thing to do. He was deeply imprinted to me, and would not have been able to adapt anywhere or to anyone else. Hybrids CANNOT be safely re-homed. I have never heard of it nor seen it happen.

The call for a ban doesn't make sense. Being an asshole isn't really against the rules. It's not like they're spouting some racist/religious/trolling crap. He/she just a jerk with a narrow world view and a false personal crusade/sense of entitlement/I'm more important so your suffering is justified complex.

I didn't buy him, or look for him as a pet specifically because he was a wolf hybrid. He was a puppy at the shelter, and I took him. They told me they thought he might be a wolf hybrid, and that if he was he would want lots of land. That was fine by me, I live on a farm that consists of two lots totaling about 7

The rear seems to be just the right size! It fits those tools so nicely.

That was my thought and I stated that at the criminal trial (for discharging a firearm inside city limits.) He was just one of those drunk, worthless, drain on society rednecks that live out here. The police didn't do a BAC test at the time of arrest, but their report indicated they found several empty beer cans,

Found the companion pic to that one while searching for a pic the Great UPS truck hijacking of 2010. He had a strange issue where he couldn't close his mouth and not show his lower teeth. Vet said it was probably a side effect of being a hybrid, and that hybrid wolf-dog pairings have extremely unpredictable

Not exactly the way I wanted to get a COTD, but that's okay I suppose. Pictured is the wolfdog in question, Blue. I used to joke about playing Blue's Clues with him. His clues weren't... exactly pawprints. Usually a pair of rabbit ears, chewed off the head, or a dead squirrel. Part of one anyway. He was ultra

He had the balls to call the cops on me too. I got to Blue, and he was aspirating blood from his mouth and nose with tiny air bubbles and labored breathing. It was pretty clearly a sucking chest cavity wound, and the exit was huge with exposed ribs. He wouldn't or couldn't move, and I have seen enough bad animal

I buried my Husky/Wolf a few months ago. He loved riding in my F350, scout, and my van, but refused to ride in my SRT8 or my GT. He didn't like performance cars I guess. he would hop into the truck when i was going to work, and I wouldn't notice till I got to the end of the driveway. One time, he hopped into the

Ford F150 could probably top that list, ignoring performance.

My winter driver, a 1964 IH Scout is even simpler. You can LITERALLY do ANY TASKS on the vehicle with a half inch wrench, a flat head screwdriver, a hammer, a half inch socket with a 3/8 drive and 3 inch extension, a pair of pliers, and a spark plug socket. I rebuilt the transfer case with this tool kit, plus a set

At least yours has a lever. The new rams have a KNOB you ROTATE.

I wholeheartedly agree, my experience shows mods almost never add to the value. I have an SRT8 that can be dialed to 730RWHP. I just need to change the tune, supercharger pulley, and fill it with ethanol. The internals and trans were built to handle it. The issue is, its too insane to be driven on the road at that

If the vehicle was modified safely, and meets standards, there is no reason it shouldn't be allowed back in the country. When did customs start enforcing the automotive safety regulations of the Ministry of Transport?

Uh, you missed where I said "Biodiesel is NOT a drop in replacement, but it can be a good replacement with a bit of refitting and operational changes."

You did neglect to mention its tendency to eat gaskets, rubber hoses, and seals. Some of the navy ships in question are MORE than old enough to be using natural rubber in their fuel lines, gaskets, filters, etc.

That may intentionally be the look they are going for, boogered together and scary.

Now playing

Completely unrelated, but appeals to that same strange part of your brain that wants to tinker with mechanics that can go horribly awry.