Kit 'Haddy' Iwamatsu

On open water, you cant hide.

The late 70s-era 351W can EASILY be built into the 350hp range and still run on mid grade pump gas. 550+ is available without forced induction if you dont mind spending serious money (no different than a 350sbc).

There are not too many decent small diesel choices in US junkyards for less than, say, 12000 dollars.

Make sure you remove the wire from the ECU to the CEL, that's extra weight you could shave off!

The Samsung Galaxy Tab original was basically a handset that was 7 inches. Android 2.2, and you can actually make calls on it.

That's an early tomahawk, they weigh just over 2 tons, are 19 feet long, and have a wingspan of about 8 feet. Their engines are small 600-700lb thrust turbines. when you look at their thrust ratios, wieght, and size, you realize they are like small airplanes more than a missile. They move somewhat slowly (under

Thats a 300C.

*looks longingly at the E150 Club Wagon....

It isn't hard, flash the code on the goddamn digital odometer, and in the back of the manual have a list of the codes. On Chrysler cars, you can 'key dance' by switching from ACC to IGN 3 times in a row in 3 seconds, and it will pump out a code on the odometer/EVIC.

Or the sexy cars, the crowds, the vendors, entertainment, or technology.

He had to search long and hard. My answer was chosen for #8, and that was the ONLY thing i said that could be construed as positive, and even then....

I am glad the driver only suffered minor injuries.

Now playing

That would negate the air breathing part. It would also need to put on weight for ablative or reentry shielding. Would also make seeking/sensing kinda tricky. The US did build an inertia guided extra-atmospheric kinetic (using speed instead of explosives) weapon in the 70s, but its flight profile is too close to a

The bump on its underside is probably an air intake. The nose is modified 3/4 parabolic, for low drag but would be suboptimal at supersonic speeds. It appears to be a lifting body design, or at least partially aero stabilized by the body. Those fins scream subsonic, so with all that taken into consideration its

Accidental journalism, on a blog?

You wouldn't be able to change the tires yourself. Attempting to do so will void the warranty. You could have the car towed to apple, and pay for their tire changing service. You only have their choice of tire. Your tires are expected to last 2-3 years of normal usage, but Apple wouldn't define normal usage.

I wouldn't want an apple car. Lets just call it iCar.

For winter driving i park my SRT8 sled-mobile, and make sure my Scout 80 has gas in it.

Happened today actually, I, uh, quite honestly did more than a little 'bark' of the back tires at a light at the intersection next to my office.