The would could be better, but it isn`t. It is slowly getting better, but it is not there yet. Women are not the only oppressed people in the world, many people are. Woman are also no less competent or capable of making better lives for themselves than anyone else. Sure, some woman are in a fucked up situations, be it

So that how you became a Dr. Also. that is why college doesn`t mean shit anymore, as in the graduates are no smarter than non-graduates.

LOL... I remember that...

I don`t get how that says goodbye to this generation of consoles. A more appropriate title would have been "A Dude Makes Games Look Like Little Kid Books."

I e-mailed a girlfriend once on the Dreamcast... it was the only way to access the internet that my broke ass had, plus she didn`t have a cell phone. Imagine all that typing with a clicker... Man, fuck all that...

Good Fucking Luck. THE WORLD IS MINE, including Japan, but I guess they didn`t get the memo.

You know what, I am normally firmly on the side that violent video games don`t make people violent in real life. This firm belief comes from years of playing violent games, going as far back to ripping out people's spines in Mortal Kombat, and I have never shot up anybody, or done any real crime besides smoking pot

Nobody has an equal place in society, this is Earth mother fucker, not candy land. Do I as a white man, have it made bitch? No, I live in fucking Japan. I am big as fuck, clothes don`t fit, shoes don`t fit, people are scared of me, they stare at me, and they definitely oppress and discriminate against foreigners here.

Now playing

Personally, I don`t have an issue with being a man. I don`t want to wear dresses. I don`t see how being a woman would be any different. Would I want to grow a beard or chest hair as a woman? Would I want to be a plumber smelling like shit, a soldier sleeping in mud with dirt in my panties that itches, or a factory

Man, I like when a game includes a physical map. It really feels like you bought a ticket to a whole other world, or that you bought a whole other word for yourself to play in.

He wins just for the Cobra hat. Here are some takes on dating that are more up my alley.

Apathy (also called impassivity or perfunctoriness) is a state of indifference, or the suppression of emotions such as concern, excitement, motivation and passion.

While no country is totally free from problems, I'll say this. Japan may not be free from sexism, but it is a lot more free of women trying to be men. Girls act like girls here, and there is a power in that. Girls wear skirts over here, not pants. AND, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT! Not at all...

Well, yeah... I was thinking about that point too. Sometimes, you might use a strange line or phrase in rap, to improve the rap or whatever, but it should to make the shit doper, for a punch line, or to say some shit flier than swatters, but not followed by an armpit smelling like luke warm water. See, that makes no

Compared to a handful of the stupidest fucks walking the earth, your comment was an intelligent submission...

Now playing


I think if its human, I am above it. That doesn`t mean I think men are better than women. I just think I am better than everyone. Men are stupid, but women are stupid too. I am not acting, but I am trying to enlighten people, perhaps not in the nicest of ways, but I don`t feel a need to be nice to humans, because I

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