"The Simplest Strategy Games are Often the Best"


I am American and enjoy seeing my nation continuing to operate with an Empire on which the sun never sets, in which we have entire countries we treat as colonies.

The world is a better place for Pax Americana.


Quick! Name as many naturally occuring black or blue foods as you can!

Perhaps their culture is backwards and wrong and they must be educated.

Presuming it comes out as planned.

You're Vice President... so what do you do? Nothing? Wash your Trans Am shirtless in the United Nations driveway? Get drunk and call the sitting President at 4am, sobbing, where you ask for confirmation that you do actually matter?

Ridiculous first name, boring last name. Easy to single out.

8/10 potential for bullying.

Haha, shut up peasant.

Do you play on PC? Get Skyrim Redone. Combat is suddenly interesting!


You have no reason to be so hateful.

When a man is subjugated to the whims of authority, when no alternative or escape exists, this is the dawn of a state's monopoly over expression. Will you be the Order that comes in via railroad, or the man on a horse watching the sun set on freedom?


Fuck shoddy ass OpenGL and fully support the market standard: DX.

To call that a "remarkable" resemblance seems a bit of a stretch.

Only if it persists for more than six hours.

Shaun Spencer is dumb as fuck. XD

This is amazing.

Blacksad is weird, because it approaches the anthromorphized characters as if ignorant of the "furry" problem you run into with such characters these days. Like: Blacksad could have came out fifty years ago and I don't think it would be all that different.