
Oh god......say that headline again to yourself: “a Chinese built Lotus SUV”.

Ford is hoodwinking everyone lately into believing they are a performance brand. Get everyone talking about the insane models you’re releasing....one day...and in limited numbers. I mean honestly, does that really count?

Well, a 2015 will be impossible to get, even for the very well connected. And anyone who gets one, now won’t be able to drive it. Joy! I’ll bet Ford limits 2016 availability as well (although not to this extent). You know, you could build an older Mustang that outperforms this for a lot less money, although may not

Tokens and race hustlers always expose themselves when given things based solely on their race. He did it in near record time.

You just very succinctly summed up so much of everything that’s wrong with the tuner community.

You know what would be cool? If Jalopnik found someone other than Stef Shrader to do racing posts.

She’ll be making sure your spot-on comment stays in the pending sectiom

Ah, academia-brainwashed millenial, you never cease to amaze me with your self righteous, PC-justified hate.

Gawker. Always looking for a way to jam a lefty, PC, white males suck point down your throatwhether you knew the opportunity existed or not.

My thoughts exactly.

Now, the world went downhill when people like you started seeing racism where it never existed and that old white men were inherently perpetrating it.

She was dating a public figure. She’s put herself out there on Twitter. There is reason to believe that she is far from stable and has possibly attempted to ruin a man’s life for no reason but her own spite.

When need not only be a professional race driver to handle something like this, but a very good one at that.

The retested with the correct alignment resulted in a Corvette win.

Mostiinteresting car company out there right now for enthusiasts. Do they make road legal US cars? Is left hand drive available?

Wish they could make it lighter. Sounds like an otherwise great car.

Is this really nothing more than an opportunity to collect data on your customers to both use for your own purposes and sell to others? How staunchly would you defend that data against NSA demands to share it?

Unless it can be built and operated privately, I’m not interested. why else do you think Am track can’t get it together? Do they not teach economics to millenials anymore?

Alfa’s marketing effort on this car cleverly compares it to sex, basically saying that desire is not typically something “rational”.

Can’t believe we haven’t heard more about V8 swaps in the ToyoBaru twins.