
So AWD is "progressive", or forward thinking?

Kind of appropriate though, since driving an electric appliance is such a snooze fest.

Oh, good grief.....

"Pennies on the dollar". Exactly. Unlike the UAW, which took zero hit. One need not throw around algebra analogies to see the inequity and why no one would want to buy either of those companies out of bankruptcy. End of story.

You're correct. Let's not deal in conspiracy theories. Can you tell us the concessions the UAW was forced to accept? I'll wait.

What did GM's creditors (the actual owners of the company at that point), other than the UAW, receive? You've shown this to be over your head already. Perhaps stop digging or get on with discussing something you actually have experience with and/or understand? Just a suggestion. Or try to forget it all by going for

And those same governement stooges which forced said bailout now want you to buy electric cars. You starting to get this, son?

In other words, if the govt illegally tramples 200 years of bankruptcy law and precedent, by forcing the UAW and it's uncompetitve salaries in front of other legitimate creditors, no one is going to buy. So the governement has to become the buyer l, which is exactly what it wanted all along. But I'm sure you knew

I had to stop reading when I saw you state that Obama is "too right wing". Now I know who I'm dealing with. LOL

LOL...whether you're aware of it or not, you just showed how precious little you know or understand of Chapter 11. The government did not bailout GM. It bailed out the unions.

In other words, yoi're happy with the government picking winners amd losers, encroaching on everyone's freedom to choose, and ham-handing everything such that no one wins. Except of course the government. You're probably not even aware that activist regulation accomplishes none of what intends to and only leads to

What makes you think I'm happy with GM and Chrysler having been bailed out? There are those assumptions again btw. You don't think some one would have picked either out of bankruptcy? That's probably an area of the world (M&A, distressed debt, etc) with which you are not familiar.

"Better to have too much"? OMG.....

LOL. Yes, pussy ecofreaks are part of the problem, as I have spelled out. But, if you actually bothered to read the post wherein I used said phrase, I before that also spelled out other issues with electrics.

You assume I'm not a fan because hippies. No. I'm not a fan because: 1) I hate the experience of an electric "car"; 2) I don't like the govt picking winners and losers in the market and that is exactly what they've been doing.

You can regulate insider trading w/o picking winners and losers, last I checked. Why do you people always conveniently throw the baby out with the bath water?

Of course not, but it was in reference to your initial post. I don't get why eletric car people are so about trying to prove to the world that their stuff is somehow superior. It's an odd inferiority complex to say the least.

While it's not ever going to happen, what I wouldn't give for one of these hot hatches to be RWD.

Wow, great comeback dude. It is a public forum. Lol.

How many times need i point out Coolidge as an example?