YES! spring is horrible. fuckin rain man and you can never figure out what to wear.

yes! i think i have reverse seasonal depression. im always moody and pissed during the summer cause its so fucking hot and i sweat so fucking much. fall is so fucking invigorating. i can’t wait to wear tights and boots and my leather jacket! people think i am insane because i hate summer.

LOLOLOL.best comment.

fuck now that’s a rock! i think colored gems look better when they are bigger..damn thats gorgeous.

who da fuck is that?

nah bro. fall is da best. fuckin best apples ever, beautiful sunny skies and crisp air..gtfo wit dis shit.

ahh yess, nothing like the smell of douchebag misogynist bro’s disguised as wannabe hipster/hippy/probably pretend they are male feminst liberal bras, in the morning. goddamn, do people really not get when you post shit on the internet, sometimes even under alter-egos (gasp!), you can still get caught! just glad these

sigh...will this dumb bitch crawl back into her hillbilly hole and permanently hibernate..this shit is getting out of control. she is worse than a child.

why does anything that comes out of her mouth should matter? why do news outlets give her press?the more you ignore people like this the less their voice will be heard.

MJ, is dat you??

are these towns people fucking kidding themselves with this shit: “and the entire county of Rowan (“it’s actually pronounced ra-vahn,” a local told me)“


dat face...what is she smellin her own fartzz?

#assholes #pleasegoaway #sogrossdeymakemebarf

omg she is really is so deluded. this is something she should really be embarrased by but she prob has so much botox in her brain.

would it be cray to note that while i was reading this i was actually licking the back of like 20 envelopes to send out and was so disgusted lol...i was inspired!

sometimes u gotta just live by the words of phe phe (i am directing the ugly part at no one lol)

so white and bland. like licking the glue on a back of an envelope. there is nothing to be jealous about if you aren’t invited to this bullshit lol

i think dis bitch needs to go to jail again...and they should send her to a real jail not a holding cell. dis bitch needs the shit scared out of her.

all i can say is that this movie produced my hatred for the shins. that dude’s voice is like nails on a chalkboard.