jeez this dude’s lawyer is really grasping for straws. i think he realizes his client is super fucked given there is mutha fuckin video evidence. throw the book at this scum and lets move on, so then the victim can move on. rapists don’t deserve this much attention.

there’s a lot fo plastic surgery going on with that mouth.

hey cap, where’s tennille???

that is fuckin cray...mind blown.

stfu, you are not even american. go away. once a whiny bitch, always a whiny bitch.

it’s insaley overpriced for jewelry that is brass covered in gold paint. if you ever wear their jewelry for like 2 months straight (this includes taking it off before showering, at night, and even storing it in jewelry boxes), the gold finish comes off and it looks like crap.

wrong school.

jeez, she’s just an all around asshole. i guess disagreeing with her stance would not make me a woman. her argument is so ignorant and you know she doesn’t want to hear a damn thing besides her opinion and the opinion of those who agree with her.

#don’tbelievethis. #lyinthroughsmizin

yes ,so you are a racist, sexist, and ageist then? is that what you are trying to tell us under the disguise that you hate being PC. maybe, someone is a little scared college students won’t put up with your crappy comedy.

*murdering scumbag

holy fuck he is 28? not only is he a murdereing scubag, mother fucker looks old as shit...everyone just wait he will get his some day, in some way fuckheads always do. not saying america is great in terms of defending women but way to fuckin go south africa, you just made it clear that the murder of a woman is

yes, because a bunch of bread helps you loose weight...bitch, vegans can eat oreos being “vegan” isn’t “healthy”...oh and step the fuck off mah cheese.

damn, the photo in the top right corner is so model-esque...girl u be smizin!

best fucking comment of the day! i LOL’d so hard.

she’s supposed to be ugly? then all of us must look like monsters.

idk if anyone else mentioned this but it’s not cancelled its just moving from Teen Nick to another network just like it did when it moved “The N”.

haha my friends boyfriend sold those in HS and he would give them to us for free!

dumbasses be dumbasses. if this person works with you, you should leave tampons on your desk and ask them to come over because you need them to answer a question. BAM TAMPONS! i know, so childish but if it’s a work place setting u can’t call them a fucktard so this is second best!

fuck no. if someone can’t handle seeing a tampon they need to grow the fuck up. to them i say: bitch, i get my period, deal with it..it’s goddamn biology mutha fucka.