ya this is fucking disgusting. columbia should be taking this garbage down. this is some full blown MRA propaganda. it really scares me to see how much hate there is for woman these days. sometimes it feels like women are just seen as vessels to rape and make babies. i hate to go there but this is some handmaid tale’s

ya idk...i think it actually looks decent...gonna watch da shit out of this.

yes i definitely will, texting right now lol!

Yes, i pointed that out to my boo and he was like whaaaaaaat and i’m like bish pay attention!


i remember that one! it was horrible!

i feel like i shouldn’t have laughed at this..but i did..i’m horrible.

WHOOA hold up, it’s not like the starbucks manager slightly raised her voice towards chen, the woman was totally aggressive towards her and DID yell. it wasn’t an passive aggressive apology and she could have said much worse for being treated that way but didn’t. dude u need to rewatch the video.

omg this is amazing.


i guess ‘ that’s so raven’ doesn’t know that rosa parks was purposefully chosen by the Montgomery NACCP (did not sit on her own accord) to sit on the bus due to the fact that she was a respectable person in the community and was lighter skinned. Parks was chosen for her image and reputation so she be the face of

did anyone take a second look at Paul Abdul and think dammmmmn she looks great! she looks like 35! gf is 52!

to think someone has to fuck that.

duh, of course she should.

ya...this product diary made me cringe...not the best.

YES!! all my friends and my bf think i’m cray but i will be getting the last laugh when im 50 and look 35!!

i’m not a fan of them and personally i think they are ugly but if someone feels good wearing them more power to ya..just because i or someone else doesn’t like those types of dresses doesn’t it make it wrong for other people to wear them.

ya like fuck this to the millionth degree. i don’t think anyone needs a “pardon” for getting a necessary ( if you chose) medical procedure. fuck him and fuck the catholic church. they are a bunch of corrupt & scummy cowards.

well thats just for manicures. mani/pedi can be like 19-25.

anywhere btw 10-13 bucks.