omfg i would want to reach through the computer and choke his dumb disgusting misogynist ass.

Edit: i did type the original below but I saw that you meant pro-life and now it makes me sad jack nicholson is pro-life considering im sure he's accidentally knocked up a few ladies in his day/ cheated on the wonderful angelica huston.

yes and eddy redmayne looks like a walking ball sack. idk why he grosses me out..maybe it's cuz his lips and whole face are the same color so he kind of looks like a walking sack of skin.

And in other news, HEYBITCHHEY, says chris christie is a fucking ignorant moron who falls off chairs.

yup they are just straight up evil...evil to the core. on top of all the other shit they are doing to humans they are funding the poachers who kill elephants. i believe katherine bigelow is making some sort of short cartoon about it....the cartoon part sounds bizarre but she said it was the only way to portray what

yup whole foods, trader joes, and even Bronners has a good one ( sold at whole foods).

gonna say it but i don't think kate mckinnon is funny..she relies too much on doing impressions of lesbian stereotypes and justin beiber...why da eff no maya rudolph or jenny slate they would be awesome.

ya especially the little one (garfunkel n oats)..she just urks the shit out of me.

omg i hate garfunkel and oates too... tho broad city brings realness that annoying and grossly overrated lena dunham does not.

that shit dont work in my fine hair...in fact it makes it worse.

ya its usually certain types of fine hair. i have fine hair and if i don't shower my head looks like an oil slick. so basically if i want my hair to look nice I have to shower in the morning. the days idgaf i put it in a bun.....fine hair is a bitch.

its pre 1959 all over again.

i don't understand someone can hate and putdown their own gender when they themselves have reaped the benefits of having a college degree.

what your saying reminds me of how cuba was before the revolution....oh and hey, bey and jay went there on vacation too..i guess they're just those kind of aholes.

ya not if she's under 40 and most 40 year olds shouldn't look like that anyway. nowadays people are looking better when they are older which should be the case considering most people don't drink and smoke as hard as they did like 40-50 years ago.

just cuz you went to princeton doesn't mean you arn't a complete dumbass. this bitch has no smarts nor class.

UMMMMM I DID THIS! When i was little i had these cute little bangs and for some reason i hated them. So my little kid logic thought that if i cut my bangs up to the root that they would magically be gone. So in the hallway of my bedroom, lit only by my night light, i cut those damn bangs all the way to the top of my

omfg i ate the shit out of these when i was 9. they were so good

ok...that is fugin fugly..it looks like a enlarged shimmery vagina.

is dis bitch kidding?lol reimbursement for her ebola dresses..hell no.