
I was the one who ended it with her as she told me she no longer loved me.

Shh! I wanna see how far he’s willing to go with this...

From the company that brought you The Greatest Oil Rumble, Infidel In A Cell, No Survivors Series, and Blood Money in the Bank, WWE presents...

Ain’t no Cousins apologizing for butt stuff down here.

If both guys get boners, then I think they should pick the flag back up. 

As long as they take out State College and the Paterno stans, it’s worth it.

*Closes laptop thoughtfully, wipes away a tear, considers life for a moment, reopens laptop, types away furiously*

Vázquez then told police that he and the victim had “sex but not really.


Holy fuck! It’s way worse than I thought. He lost most of his legs and torso too!

Michael Jordan would never have recruited AD, but if he did, which he wouldn’t have, and wanted to give him his number 23, which he wouldn’t have, he would have closed the deal, because he was a killer. You think Phil Knight would have wanted a piece of MJ one on one in the boardroom? My friend, he would not. LeBron

He didn’t ask. When you’re a star, they let you do it.

God gonna welcome them sooner rather than later...

Iwata was a better programmer than everyone else at Game Freak combined. And I mean current Game Freak. 

Who are they to call anyone disrespectful...

yeah well, at least these Jet updates won’t kill anybody

Hopefully Dubois at least sticks around, that turned out to be a surprisingly good pick. 

Buying this under protest - it should have been included with the Switch.

Buying this under protest - it should have been included with the Switch.