

Amateur, I look for the guy eating Five Guys. I tend to find him in the mirror.

I've always thought there are two viewpoints to creating a character in a game:

Wait, what? HD? Does that really need to be there for the first iteration of the game? "We're skipping the original PSP release this time, and going straight in with the HD remake!"

Isn't the western version of this how do you use a fork? Pretty sure if the fork or chopsticks are doing a good job of getting food into your mouth without spilling it everywhere you're using them just fine.

Okay look I get it, Felicia is sexualized. But you don't need to make her look BAD when redesigning her. This is just poorly drawn, she doesn't look like a fighter at all.

Videogame development in a big, harsh, rotten nutshell:

As someone born and raised in a western anglo-saxon country, I have long been confused by the "breakfast food" delineation. Why are eggs breakfast food? Why are they weird to eat any other time? Same goes for bacon, cereal, or waffles. What difference could it possibly make? It's not even like there's a specific kind

Lot of ignorance here. I can't believe in 2015 people are still buying this Arceus creationist myth.

Clearly the first pokemon is Solosis, the single cell pokemon. Ya'll motherfuckers need science.

I do this all the time... In Mario Kart.

For some players, the fact that games like these are censored doesn't matter: it's a long-standing cliche in the visual novel community that some people play raunchy anime games, not for the sex scenes or indulgent nudity, but rather for the story, writing, or mechanics (much in the same way that some people genuinely

No other aspect of Shirobako is half as aggravating as Taro. Like Aoi, Taro is a production assistant. Unlike Aoi, he's simply incompetent. He is the cause of numerous problems throughout the first half of the anime. He misses meetings and deadlines, hits on the female staff, and completely expects other people to get

Boba Fett doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell against MegaMan, let alone MegaMan X.

X fairly routinely battles and kills a much more heavily armed, better armored, and better skilled version of Boba Fett - Vile.

I've lost track of how many times now X has destroyed Vile. 4? 5?

Oh boy... I can't wait for that black screen announcing the uploader has not made the video available in my country!

So the world is going to war over a Seth Rogen movie?

Meanwhile, your entire contribution to the conversation is condescending comments and pre-emtively valid dismissing arguments, Where are YOUR proposals for dealing with piracy?

Guns are fine, but don't mess with a bunch of magnets... that shit will kill you!!!!

Kids... they ruin it for everybody!