
So what's the point of being declared a World Heritage site if it offers no protection?
Or can the Australian Government simply overrule that status?

Everybody is beautiful for somebody, don't think THIS bad about yourself :)

She should have spent that time learning to swim.

Godzilla was not meant as a stupid-action-fest flick. Being a fan of the original 1954 movie this remake was great. Godzilla was meant as the embodiment of a nuclear bomb. Mankind created the bomb and now mother nature was getting payback. Just as we have no defence against a nuke, we can't defend against nature's

Why would anyone drink distilled water. Haven't they read how toxic Dihydrogen Monoxide is?!

Am I the only one who hates video posts. With all the video clips, news, reviews, etc lately I feel like I'm encroaching on a "get off my lawn!" Part of my life... But I just want to read, not watch ;/ I don't want to listen to other people.

Can you just imagine being a fish and hanging out in the plane and the OHMYGODWHATISHAPPENINGTOMEHOLYSHITIAMGOINGTODIE oh cool more water.

In the plant world, this is a horror story told around campfires.

Thats why I only eat meat. The cows ears have already been removed.

sale? Plus? I bought it full price the day it came out!

I appreciate the idea of this. I really wish I could get it but alas I'm on android. The concept of sexuality is so taboo and I never understood why. Violence is made out to be a fun spectacle and it always has. I feel it's part of human nature but sexuality is more-so the same. Sex is something everyone sees and

I'm generally a fan of this series but isn't

I wish I'd known about the reward side of this when it was possible. I had found them all with plenty of time to spare.

Burnout: Everything (Working Title)

Watch_Dogs told me to hold down a button on my phone and now I have Bill Gates's bank account.

I think what you're talking about is the world, when reality gives you a slap, that is. I think it's a relatively happy and futuristic place compared to other parts of the world. Have you seen the worn down, brownish, rusty buildings and the people lying at the road side, homeless, in Manchester? The China town

Games are escapism, and to properly escape you must be able to suspend disbelief. This is easier when the situations are more believable. It's why anyone discusses "realism" in fantasy.

he also killed like, at least six of them before they could react. And even if more had guns, most people don't have the experience to actually draw them while being shot at, let alone use them. When you see six people shot down in a few seconds, you panic and try to run.