
Ummm Portia de Rossi’s Unbearable Lightness doesn’t seem to fit in here with the others?? I generally agree with your stance otherwise, no one under the age of 40 needs to be writing an autobiography... but de Rossi’s book was something different altogether.

and uterus's.

No doubt. It would be comical if it weren’t so fucking infuriating.

During earlier hearings on earlier versions of the bill, anti-choice Republicans indicated that they believed that teens were lying to otherwise loving parents in trying to obtain judicial bypasses, and that judges wanted clarification on the existing law.

I think it directly applies to this situation. He was getting naked on set (so, at work) so much that he got yelled at. Even if he did have one nude (but not actually naked) scene, that doesn’t give him license to just strip down all the time. Can you imagine if an actress did the same? And just because Amy never said

wait wait wait... he’s not taking the expression “popping her cherry” literally is he? Does he really think that any actual popping goes on?? Cause that would be AWESOME.

“maybe they have sex on bubble wrap” lol.

Right?? I shuddered reading the word “pop” to describe an orgasm. That sounds painful and dangerous.

It’s sad how grateful she sounds just to be able to play a decent, multidimensional character with lines. That’s where we’re at right now.

I’m faaaairly certain (like, 100% certain) that a 16th century farmer’s wife and mother of 12 would not be “lazing around” on her arse for 4-5 months of her pregnancy.

Anyone else think of this article while reading Chris Pratt’s hilarious nudity shenanigans?

No one you knew defended his actions? Really?? That’s amazing, let me be in your circles, plz. Part of what made that week so awful was so many people that I thought were decent, coming out and saying some of the stupidest things.

It didn’t matter if they were actual fans of Gomeshi or the Q at all, many dudebros rushed to his side purely out of principle. That day I also realized that some of my progressive, thoughtful, “artsy” male friends who tuned in to every Q episode were also assholes.

This is the best, most fascinating thing I’ve EVER read and now I will be thinking about a ball stuck in a butthole for the rest of the week, and probably forever.

Man... I don’t know why I even go anywhere near articles about anything to do with birth on this site. Like she said, the way pregnant women are treated in pregnancy IS a huge feminist issue... but the writers and (many) commenters here treat it like a joke.

Dudebros run RAMPANT across our great(ish) country.

You’re right, which is why I made sure to specify that WHITE Canadian women seem to have things good. It’s not us who are going missing by the hundreds and no one cares.

Your dad and thousands of others. The week that story broke was a hard one for my mental health. So much victim blaming, slut shaming, stereotyping and idiocy surrounding consent and BDSM... I lost a few friends that week.

*the silence from the hoards of Canadian dude bros who rushed to support him is DELICIOUS.*