
His blanket statement about never getting into a vehicle with a stranger would include cabs (unless you know every single cab driver in your city), so my argument stands.

Oh, I agree with you there... I just heartily disagree with KosherHam's original comment, who I was responding to in the first place.

The cab driver is still a stranger and a human with free will, regardless of what company he works for or what contract he's signed. According to KosherHam, no one (but let's be real.. he means women) should ever get into a vehicle when they don't know the driver personally. That would include cabs.

You seem nice. And like, rilly smart.

So cabs are not for women? Fuck off.


The shirt isn't promoting violence, sexism, racism, homophobia or any other kind of ism... it just says the word "fucking" on it. This seems really.... puritanical?


Become a firefighter that works for a hall that has that kind of schedule?

What are their policies? Feel free to tell me to Google that shit though :)

Thanks... I do not lack understanding of why birth rates matter or why we study them. My point stands.

I understand how the system works. I get why we would track these thing. Thanks for the 'splaining though.

I think what you said is absolutely key to making opposite gender friends work, (especially if you are super close with said opposite gender friend). If I had a guy friend who was not interested in befriending my boyfriend, or even just hanging out with him and getting to know him a bit... it would be a red flag for me

The constant scrutiny of "birth rates" makes me squirm. Because you know that your female body and life choices are on the line if the state decides that they want more or less babies for any given reason.

Oh yeah. If I were a dude, I would have no ambivalence about having children at all. Being a woman I'm a bit more unsure... because reality.

Get that hair on my head right now.

Hard to argue with that logic!

Wellll Ok... *goes to load up episode 16*

I have so many shows on the go that I only have room in my roster for shows that grab me right away, lest I spend forever in my room staring at my laptop! Except for It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia... that one took me a long time to warm up to (one of my boyfriends' faves.. so forced exposure).

I only watched the pilot episode and found the show SOO ANNOYING that I could not go on. Usually Ellie Kemper's adorkable dweeb schtick works on me, but could not do this one.