
i think metacritic is part of the problem though, because it only accounts for day one perspective. it fosters a culture where the score matters more than the actual value. games differ from traditional scoring methods because there is room for change after a game comes out though dlc and patches. it's sort of like

Moral of the story? Don't buy your 13 year old niece of Ps4. This wouldn't have happened if he had just got her a Hello Kitty toaster.

"QUOTE | "It's always struck me as a little odd how resentful players are in the F2P business model about paying a couple dollars when they don't think twice about paying $50 for the same amount of fun or gameplay time." - Veteran designer Steve Meretzky, talking about the evolution of free-to-play games."

He could stand fine, it was when he went to move forward that the funny thing in the fictional video happened.

To get the true Skyrim experience there should have been a scene afterward where he REFUSES to drop a single god damn thing and slowly crawls toward the nearest shop npc.

When this shit happens just turn off the internet to your console. I had the same problem with Peggle 2. It keeps trying to connect and eventually times out and lets you play, but if you just go offline it doesn't even try and just loads. Unless it actually needs online like Destiny it should work.

Because Microsoft owns and operates its own servers. PSN is created and managed by Cisco with Sony as advisers.

That's weird, because I'm playing Dragon Age on PS4 right now.

I'm pretty sure they did it for responses like this.

Your user name is rather apt.

Better still: "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Mew-Mew".

Then stop paying your online subscription?

It's Christmas day, the afternoon has barely begun and he's slating randomers on the net for how they spend time with their family ...he clearly gives a shit.

Not everyone has a big happy family and sometimes the people you meet online and spend some much time with even if its just in a vitrual world and youve never seen them face to face you consider as your family

or you don't need some arbitrary made up reason to see your family. I'm don't need Christmas to spend time with family and i certainly don't need people telling me when i should see them or play my games.

A big "THANK YOU!" to all the hard working people at Sony and MS (and anywhere else) who have to sort this nonsense out on Christmas.


Cool. Needs more Batman though.

Original Sin is still my game of the year even after Dragon Age. I love DAI immensely and almost 80 hours in I'm near the end of the game, but I knew what I was getting with Dragon Age from the get go and expectations were met and then some.