More like Toto Tiger right?!
More like Toto Tiger right?!
Microsoft is WAY more open than Sony in this regard. Their hardware and OS is closed yes, their stance towards making use of those isnt. UWP is obviously a shitty choice that is a trial and error thing for MS, I think theyll abandon it before it becomes GFWL.
Sony has been the bad guy for a long time with this sort of…
Because Sony wants to keep their environment closed and Microsoft decided its actually better to allow things like mods
So what youre saying is that you failed to do even the tiniest bit of research in the product. Windows 10 and Steam are both excellent, whilst Steam might be a bit messy when it comes to look, in the background its great and its pretty easy to understand unless you’re a total idiot.
Damn, I dont :(
What was the cliffnotes of the happening?
Its not that bad unless you’re an idiot who has no clue about how to assemble a PC or how to upgrade it
Lol wut? I bought my PC 6 years ago and between then and now only upgraded my graphicscard once and had to replace my RAM. Total cost? 800 euro.
Now I upgraded my motherboard and CPU (could keep the RAM etc) and spend another 350 I think?
If you buy a console 6 years ago you wouldve gotten a PS3 for what, maybe 300?…
Do you have any video on the Will vs Bernie thing? I mustve missed it
So rather than a wholesome article you decided to go for an article with a negative twist...
I thought The Division had the best enemies of a game in a long time exactly because they could be anything. Theyre actual people that carry whatever they can get their disease ridden hands on
Like a Sarlacc? :D
C2-N2 and C2-D4 are the same base model and many droids in SWTOR are that C2 base model.
Then they should cancel the GoG keys and give everyone a Steam key.
Also no, you’re not excused for being an extremely rude twatface
Whoa talking about raising the dead!
Your law applies to your country, moron. I have fuck all to do with your laws. Callcenters in a foreign country usually also have fuck all to do with your laws even if they call you. Its not pretty but there it is.
Telemarketers arent required to do shit because you cant touch em.…
I have a fat green Twi’lek in SWTOR I have named Flatulance... DONT JUDGE ME
If you cant tell the difference between Mei, Zarya, Tracer and Widow, you have a problem.
Mei is a more chunky body
Zarya obviously a muscle build
Tracer is just plain normal
Widow is femme fatale beauty
Its almost as if its suits their backgrounds! OMFG
She doesnt give a shit, she just stirs them up
The biggest issue I have is this: 98% of the character portrayed are heroes who need to be in good physical condition and Im sorry but flubbywubby flaplings aint gonna cut it when it comes down to running through the jungle with a gun.
I assume you mean that you find them fun to watch and pick out the flaws?