
I didnt say it was just trolling, its also kinda douchey. I mean I personally find it hilarious that people are that stupid, yet I do grasp the fact that its douchey. Its like my cat whens shes running around the house like a maniac and crashes into the wall or a chair, I laugh and then pet her and say “Its ok” and

Depends on your viewpoint. I occasionally troll lightly in an MMO’s main chat just to watch some chaos ensue. Am I a douche for it? I dont think so, I find humour in it and so do many others. I dont directly harm people, I just goad them into silly responses and laugh and their own stupidity. Have you ever mentioned

Nice judgement there buddy! Feel like backing it up or do you think youre better than that? Or perhaps, youre the one trolling?

First off, whoa flashback! Saw like 10 notifications and was like “Wait.. I didnt write anything offensive again did I?”

And thats how I know youre an arrogant person. You dont need to know ALL the technical details about DX12 or the details of hardware to appreciate it. Youre right that you need some basic understanding but sites like Tom’s Hardware tend to explain things pretty damn well to the point where I can form an informed

Depends on your position and what you say and most importantly, what branch of the food/beverage industry. If you work in McD then there are few things you can say that people dont already know. If you work for one of the fancysmancy restaurants then its a different matter entirely

That has little to do with AMD being shit and more to do with Nvidia purposefully annoying AMD with their stupid partner programs

Lolwat? Been rockin ATi since the 9800XT back in 2001(?) and its worked for me perfectly. Bought my current HD7950 for less than the Nvidia (GTX 760 iirc?) equivalent and happier than a bug. Stop being a douchenozzle and let people buy what they want.

How do you figure that? Im stoked because of DX12 because of what it brings to the table. It also makes a lot of stuff way more viable. As a gamer Im excited becasue of the tech, not because of omfg moar graphics

The prices are going out of hand due to people buying them for cryptocurrency mining.

In the beginning he didnt but eventually, after this incident and his confrontation with Mao, he realized what a fuck-up he was becoming. He also betrayed his future plans of becoming the douchiest douche of all imo back then. I loved every second of it :D

Yet, when confronted by what he has done, he runs from the idea, simply ordering her with his Geass to forget about him—thus erasing the reminder of his guilt.

Probably because its easier to star a comment than it is to try and get an explanation from someone you already suspect of being a retard

Perhaps instead of projecting your flawed writing skills on me and others, perhaps you should invert your critique to yourself seeing as many people apparently ‘misunderstood’ your rant

Oh no, porn thats highly sexualized...who wouldve guessed..the horror...I dont know how the world will survive...

Batman doesnt need the Batmobile, he can also come by Batbike, Batbicycle or Batfeet. Just sayin

I was there and had to go into the visitors area on Friday, it was so incredibly busy! You couldnt see anything but people! And the lines, dear god the lines. I had a press pass so got early access and an entire day before the ‘regular folk’ but trade visitors and the like were already there. The Division had a line

We give refunds like nobody’s business and no we’re not a retailer

every industry*, this isnt limited to games.

Well, he was an idiot for doing it. I sympathize with him getting fired, just not the reasoning behind the action. I know Id get fired if I started blurting out stuff about the company I work for.